Sunday 29 September 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: You Don't Have To Publish Everything


Warning: brief discussions of Anxiety/mental health issues

Title: You Don't Have To Publish Everything

This is a reminder to any of you fellow writers/bloggers/whoever-s out there who need it:


You don't have to post everything.

You don't have to publish everything.

Friday 27 September 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Because I Said So


'Daniel tips his head back with a sigh. “Okay, so you stole something. What.”

There’s a pause, and then. “I believe it might have been… jewels of some kind.”'


Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

Every now and then I like to rec a fic from a show called Stargate: SG-1.

This is a sci-fi TV show that ran from '97 to '07, and which still has fanfic authors writing new material, because fandom love never dies 😅

Thursday 26 September 2024

Sunday 22 September 2024

Nerd Church - Prioritise Small Steps


...brought to you by me, once again, giving myself a pep-talk and posting it on the internet 😅💪

Title: Prioritise Small Steps. Background: rainbow animal print, because I'm somehow subtle and extra at the same time

Listen, the world is rough and tough and kind of awful sometimes. 

It feels like everything is crashing and burning and we live in a frankly batpoop timeline.

Friday 20 September 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Almost Like Adults, But With More Insults


'“I'm sorry I made you feel like a burden,” Allison admitted.


“Wow, two apologies in one day! You're definitely breaking a Hargreeves record.”'


Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

We are talking The Umbrella Academy (TUA)!

Because the series has now finished - for better or worse (...a lot of people think the ending falls into the 'worse' category, but moving on...)

And that, of course, means that I need to read a whole bunch of TUA fanfiction to fill the umbrella-shaped (...Klaus-shaped) void. (But not the Void, lol.)

Thursday 19 September 2024

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Month In Review(s) - August 2024


August reached my bar for a good month 

- which is admittedly so low it's practically touching the floor, but I'ma take it as a win 😅

Title: August - Awst. Image: sunflowers against a blue sky

Unfortunately, August was also pretty damned bad in terms of hay fever

- like, I've had hay fever a lot (more in recent years, because climate change,) but I've rarely felt this unwell with it.

So, yeah, that sucked. 

Wales got it's first woman First Minister with Eluned Morgan.

...Which would be a lot more celebration-worthy if her predecessor, Vaughan Gething, Europe's first Black leader of a nation, hadn't been forced out after deeply unfair (imho) and personal attacks, which crossed the line into racism more than once.

So, mixed bag.

Eluned Morgan, btw, fully supported Gething until the end of his short tenure - so the blame shouldn't be placed at her door for this.

In other parts of the UK (England and Northern Ireland,) there were racist riots.

...So not a good look for the UK in general in August, racism-wise. *Sighs*

People suck sometimes.

My regular series (Comics Wrap-Up, Friday Fics Fix, and Nerd Church,) went on break in August, and I didn't post much all-in-all.

- I try to do that every so often so that posts don't start feeling like too much of a chore. 😅

All three are back in action now, though. So September's post-list will be a lot longer than this one.

dividing line

'Other' Posts

Month(s) in Review(s) - June + July 2024

Poetry: An Echo

So that was my August - how was yours?

Talk to me! 😎💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovinFor more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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