Sunday 8 September 2024

Nerd Church - Short Story: The Lady Klara, The Prince Matteo

This is a fantasy short story that first appeared in the 'Promptly Written' publication on Medium, in response to the following prompt by Ravyne Hawke:

Conceptual theme — Villain
TwosomeDreadful and Deadly

I'm actually quite proud of this one, so I hope you like it! 😅

Warning: general violence (mostly of the stabby kind,) blood, injury, murder, implied war, loss of autonomy

The Lady Klara, The Prince Matteo

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

Friday 6 September 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Some Lovely Steve and Bucky Goodness

'And here Bucky was, living his whole life slightly out of step and just now realising it, because no one had ever told him so.

Slightly out of step.



Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

Sometimes, you find fics which were written just for you, ya know?

My dearest nerdlets, a fic with Bucky Barnes (from the MCU/Marvel movies etc.) as a sad Queer boi with synaesthesia and migraines? This thing was written for me - no question.

Thursday 5 September 2024

Sunday 1 September 2024

Micropoetry From A Whole Bunch Of Months

...Specifically: October 2023 + December 2023 + April 2024 + August 2024

Yes, I know this is a weird combination of months.

Honestly? I kept forgetting to make the graphics, and it just ended up this way 😅

Those with screen readers - the poetry is in the alt-text of the graphics, with forward slash marks for line breaks

Friday 23 August 2024

Poetry: An Echo

Originally published in the Medium publication 'The Brain Is A Noodle' for the prompt '#WritingPrompt #ShansPoetryPrompt: polaroid moments, write a poem about a moment you wish you’d captured' set by the lovely Lucy Dan

Warning: grief

An Echo

‘Looking for pieces of broken hourglass
Trying to get it all back, put it back together
As if the time had never passed’
 — Fall Out Boy, Bishops Knife Trick

moody deep-red/purple rose with dew drops
Image by Jürgen from Pixabay

Friday 9 August 2024

Month(s) In Review(s) - June + July 2024


Warning: discussions of Depression and pet loss

Title: June + July. Mehefin + Gorffennaf. Background: large sunflower

...OK, doing this as a two-monthly thing is becoming an unintentional habit 😅

The only excuse that I have is that sometimes Depression messes my memory up - and the fact that I entirely (and I mean, entirely,) forgot to write a post for June coincides with some pretty sh**ty mental health days over the past two months.

So, yeah. I'm blaming Depression. And I don't feel bad about that, because it blames me for stuff all the time 😅

Sunday 28 July 2024

Nerd Church - You Pick Up Little Pieces of Yourself

Title: You Pick Up Little Pieces of Yourself

You pick up little pieces of yourself, scattered through the world.

Pieces that belong to others too

 — point, say, ‘look, it’s both of us;’ a modern manifestation of Emily Dickinson’s Nobody.