Friday, 23 August 2024

Poetry: An Echo

Originally published in the Medium publication 'The Brain Is A Noodle' for the prompt '#WritingPrompt #ShansPoetryPrompt: polaroid moments, write a poem about a moment you wish you’d captured' set by the lovely Lucy Dan

Warning: grief

An Echo

‘Looking for pieces of broken hourglass
Trying to get it all back, put it back together
As if the time had never passed’
 — Fall Out Boy, Bishops Knife Trick

moody deep-red/purple rose with dew drops
Image by Jürgen from Pixabay

Friday, 9 August 2024

Month(s) In Review(s) - June + July 2024


Warning: discussions of Depression and pet loss

Title: June + July. Mehefin + Gorffennaf. Background: large sunflower

...OK, doing this as a two-monthly thing is becoming an unintentional habit 😅

The only excuse that I have is that sometimes Depression messes my memory up - and the fact that I entirely (and I mean, entirely,) forgot to write a post for June coincides with some pretty sh**ty mental health days over the past two months.

So, yeah. I'm blaming Depression. And I don't feel bad about that, because it blames me for stuff all the time 😅

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Nerd Church - You Pick Up Little Pieces of Yourself

Title: You Pick Up Little Pieces of Yourself

You pick up little pieces of yourself, scattered through the world.

Pieces that belong to others too

 — point, say, ‘look, it’s both of us;’ a modern manifestation of Emily Dickinson’s Nobody.

Friday, 26 July 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Spider-Man and the Winter Soldier (...And Some Nuance)


'However, Peter has been called a lot of awful names in the last week for jumping to conclusions – how was he supposed to know that that one mugging was actually Shakespeare in the Park?'


Title: F3. Background: kaleidocscopic patterns

This is a quirky and sweet Spider-Man meets Winter Soldier fic.

(MCU - Marvel movies etc., in case you somehow didn't get the clue from 'Spider-Man.')

At first I did wonder whether I'd even enjoy it, but it definitely grew on me.

Thursday, 25 July 2024

Comics Wrap-Up - That Terrifying Monster Thingy


Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-styles with speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, the world continues to be a very weird and wacky place, so let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Write Through


Warning: this post discusses Depression

Title: Write Through

I have not had a good week, mental-health-wise.

I had some very bad Depression days, and was generally not very good, mentally.

The thing is that when my mental health is poor, I really struggle to write. 

Anything. Like, coherent sentences are a problem.

Let alone the *Writing* I really need (I explained the difference between writing and *Writing* here, if you're interested.)

Friday, 19 July 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Out There In The Big Wide World



His mouth quirks in a smile. Ah, yes. That was his name once. Long ago. Or maybe not yet. He can’t remember which description is most appropriate anymore.'

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

There are a lot of continuation fics based on the Loki Disney+ series, out there in the big wide world.

I must have read a good number all by my lonesome by now - I know I've rec'd some on more than one occasion.