Thursday 25 July 2024

Comics Wrap-Up - That Terrifying Monster Thingy


Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-styles with speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, the world continues to be a very weird and wacky place, so let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

Sunday 21 July 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Write Through


Warning: this post discusses Depression

Title: Write Through

I have not had a good week, mental-health-wise.

I had some very bad Depression days, and was generally not very good, mentally.

The thing is that when my mental health is poor, I really struggle to write. 

Anything. Like, coherent sentences are a problem.

Let alone the *Writing* I really need (I explained the difference between writing and *Writing* here, if you're interested.)

Friday 19 July 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Out There In The Big Wide World



His mouth quirks in a smile. Ah, yes. That was his name once. Long ago. Or maybe not yet. He can’t remember which description is most appropriate anymore.'

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

There are a lot of continuation fics based on the Loki Disney+ series, out there in the big wide world.

I must have read a good number all by my lonesome by now - I know I've rec'd some on more than one occasion.

Thursday 18 July 2024

Sunday 14 July 2024

Nerd Church - Sometimes You Need To Take Things Slow


Title: Sometimes You Need To Take Things Slow

Do you get the feeling, sometimes, that everything out there in the big wide world is kind of... rushed?

It's kind of fast, kind of hurried, kind of urgent.

Friday 12 July 2024

Friday Fics Fix - I Make No Excuses


'Daniel wasn’t moving. Or making noise of any kind. And if Daniel wasn’t harassing anyone with questions, that was just a bad sign.'

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

A bit of a different one for you this time - Stargate: SG-1.

This was a sci-fi action/adventure series that ran from '97 to '07. 

I was too young to watch it from the beginning - I'm a millennial, but I'm on the younger side of that - so I mostly caught up with it on re-runs in my teens.

Thursday 11 July 2024