Sunday 9 June 2024

Nerd Church - Short Story: Gravel-Crunch

This is another Anna Sinclair short story - if you don't know what that is, then you may or may not want to read the previous stories first.

If you do, here they are:

If you don't - the briefest of re-caps:

Anna Sinclair rocks, she swears a lot, and she's got some kind of feud going with some rich boys called Miles and Tony Addison, relating to some money. At least some of said money is currently down Anna's bra.

Now you pretty much know everything I do about her 😅

Warning: alcohol


A short story about one Anna Sinclair.

playground swing
Image by André Rau from Pixabay

Friday 7 June 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Consulting With The Little Girl On The Bike

'But, anyway, the point is….The vibes were off. Of this, Klaus was certain.'

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns


Yes, this is The Umbrella Academy (TUA) again. 

Because I'm complete trash and refuse to feel guilty about that 😅

Sunday 2 June 2024

Nerd Church - Whatever Else Happens, Trump Is Guilty


Title: Whatever Else Happens, Trump Is Guilty Background: statue of Lady Justice

Whatever else happens, Trump is guilty.

Finally there are criminal, legal, marks next to his name which can be - have been - proved.

Friday 31 May 2024

Friday Fics Fix - So. Freaking. Beautiful


'Sometimes, Klaus can’t look at Dave.'

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

OK, now that the trailer's out for the very lastest series of The Umbrella Academy (TUA) - for which I am both excited but also sad, because, lastest - this week's F3 seems super relevant.

...Happy coincidences, and all that jazz.

(Or maybe I need to read fanfiction from a wider range of fandoms - rec 'em in the comments if you got 'em!)

Thursday 30 May 2024

Comics Wrap-Up - Wholesome and Positive


Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-style with speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, I miss having a boy cat around (no shade to my girl cat - she rocks,) let's get some superhero-y comics-y goodness!

Sunday 26 May 2024

Nerd Church - I Quit Google AdSense

Title: I Quit Google AdSense, written inside a search bar

I’ve been using Google AdSense here on Dora Reads for quite some time — at least two years, but honestly, I lose track.

It’s probably more like 5 or 6 years at this point. (I am nothing if not persistent.)

In that time, I earned about £7  — which I couldn’t get to, because the minimum payout threshold is £60.