Sunday 31 March 2024

Friday 29 March 2024

Friday Fics Fix - We'll Soldier On Regardless

"Jesus Buck," Sam says, "I leave for three days. Three days, and I come back to find you half dead in our kitchen."

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns


Hopefully by the time this post goes up, AO3 will be back online.

AO3, for those unfamiliar, is the primary place for fanfiction on the internet - it's the most user-friendly, covers the broadest range of fandoms, and has the most people (as far as I can tell,) actively uploading fanfiction.

It's also where I read 99% of my fanfiction - because of said user-friendliness, and also because I can download to my e-reader - and so 99.99% of my fic recs are from AO3.

Thursday 28 March 2024

Sunday 24 March 2024

Nerd Church - The Participation Trophies Were Never The Problem

...Some hard truths from one of those pesky millennials

Title: The Participation Trophies Were Never The Problem. Background: confetti, a trophy, and a medal

I know you wouldn’t expect any less from a millennial but:

The participation trophies were never the problem.

Friday 22 March 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Four Fun Fanfics


Fanfiction can open your mind to new perspectives, ideas, styles, explore ideas and characters and art forms...

...or it can 'just' be a lot of fun. (Which is pretty impressive in and of itself.)

So I figured I'd give you four fun fanfics to enjoy (because I'm nice like that.)

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

As always with these rec lists, please check the original rec'ing post for spoiler status and Content Warnings.

Because this is me doing the rec'ing - it's entirely possible that even the fun fics need Content Warnings 😅

Thursday 21 March 2024

Sunday 17 March 2024

Nerd Church - Should We Judge Older Books By Modern Standards?


Warning: this post discusses racism, ableism, and general prejudice, including reference to dehumanising language and slurs

Title: Should We Judge Older Books By Modern Standards?

I've been re-reading* The Princess Diaries for a while now.

For those not aware: this was a massively popular YA series by Meg Cabot from the early 00s where a New York teenager named Mia Thermopolis finds out she's actually the Princess of Genovia. (As you do.)

There also 2 films starring Anne Hathaway, which are fun, but don't really match the tone of the books.

*Well, re-reading the first couple and reading the rest for the first time ðŸ˜…