Thursday, 11 January 2024

Comics Wrap-Up - Baron Something-or-Other

Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined notebook style with sppech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, it is 2024 and this year better behave I swear, and this is Dora Reads - so let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2024


Your resource for all things bookish diversity is back! 

Welcome to the 9th (Hell yeah!) Bookish Diversity Link List, 2024.

Given how bad my 2023 was, I'm happy I managed to keep last year's list going. 

I still think there's need for a resource which points to cool and good quality diverse bookish things - even if I sometimes struggle to add as much to it as I'd like.

Looking at the world as a whole, I'd say we def. need to keep championing the marginalised and diverse communities and voices wherever possible. Because garbage fire. 😅

So, here I am, once again, doing my small bit to keep things moving forward. I hope you find it useful.

'The Bookish Diversity Link List' with punk-star background

Sunday, 31 December 2023

Poetry: Free Verse

Originally published in the Medium Publication 'The Brain Is A Noodle' for the writing prompt 'write the poetry that’s in your heart, break the rules, be yourself (wait, this sounds like Ms. Frizzle’s line, oops! She’s an iconic inspiration for us all.)' set by the lovely Lucy Dan.

I decided to fill the prompt by writing an unedited poem - the only things I changed from the first draft were formatting and typos.

...You can tell that it really is unedited because even now, over a year later, I want to remove the line 'Oh burgeoning soul' 😅

Friday, 15 December 2023

Month(s) in Review(s) - October + November 2023


Yes, this post covers two months.

No, I have not done that before.

Title: October + November. Sub-title: Hydref + Tachwedd (which has probably made your screen-reader spit out something incomprehensible, sorry) Background: leafies in browns and oranges and sepias and stuff

But I was already pretty busy/lacking in time in October, and then November...

Well, my criteria for a 'good month' in the hellstorm of 2023 is one where no-one I care about (human or animal,) dies, almost dies, or has a life-changing diagnosis.

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Nerd Church - Entropy


Sometimes you just need to take things a step at a time.

Sometimes it's just about putting that one metaphorical foot in front of the other - not doing too much, not trying too hard. 

Just. Keeping. Steady.

Title: Entropy

Because in a universe that tends towards entropy, stasis is progress.

Entropy, just to letcha know, is a scientific concept/rule...

Friday, 24 November 2023

Friday Fics Fix - My Stand-Out Fics of 2023


Since F3 is going on its regular break in December, I thought that now was a great time to give you my stand-out fics of the year!

- That's not the same as the best fics of the year. 

It's more... the ones I can still remember when stressed and tired at the end of November 😅 (Expect a lot from the last few months, ngl.)

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic geometry

Remember to please check out the orginal rec'ing posts for Content Warnings and SPOILER status.

I'll leave the link to those original rec. posts when I finish up talking about each fic.

Thursday, 23 November 2023