Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts

Friday, 21 February 2025

Another Life/Blogging Update


(CW: death)

Hi everyone —

My mother passed away last week.

Thanks to everyone who’s been so supportive the last few months, it really means a lot.

I will get back to doing more on here and on Medium — although possibly the social interaction side of things is going to take a lot longer — but for now it’s just… awful.

Hope you’re having a better 2025 than I am.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Life/Blogging Update (...Again)


Cracked window

Cards on the table time: I have no idea when I'll be able to get back to my regular blog series.

I'm hoping to put out the odd post here and there, but I honestly can't guarantee anything for the foreseeable future.

My mother is dying.

My mental health is terrible.

I don't know if/when I'll be able to put the time and effort in that I want to.

This is not me giving up blogging - I don't think that's ever going to happen at this point. 

This is me saying that things are going to be sporadic around Dora Reads, my Medium account, and my socials, for a long time to come, so apologies for not being great at the whole social interaction thing for a while.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Life/Blogging Update + Updated Blogging Schedule


OK, so... life continues to be tough AF for yours truly.

So while I fully intended to bring my regular series (Comics Wrap-Up, Friday Fics Fix, Nerd Church,) back in January, for my own mental health and ability to use my free time for such luxurious things as sleeping and eating, that's not going to happen.

I'm tentatively aiming to bring them back in February, but honestly the way my life is right now, we all could have been hit by a meteor by then.

Still, I'll keep you updated when I can!

Look after yourselves, and remember to shelter from meteors... somehow.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Nerd Church - To-Do List Struggles


Title: To-Do List Struggles. Image: cartoon-style notepad and pencil

My to-do isn't that long - at first glance.

But that's mostly because I only write down a few things that I need to prioritise and/or think I'm in danger of forgetting. 😅

My mental to-do list? Much, much, bigger.

Like... I expect a lot of myself.

Thursday, 31 October 2024

The 10 Year Blog Anniversary Post!


Title: 10 Years of Blogging! Background: artsy stars, cos you gotta have artsy stars

YES! It has been a full ten years since the start of Dora Reads -

which back then was known as Diary of A Reading Addict, later shortened to DORA, which is how we got to Dora Reads (- and some people insist on calling me Dora even though I'm clearly marked as Cee everywhere *shrugs*)

- and somehow-or-other, through it all, I'm still here.

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Nerd Church - Blogging Schedule Update (...It's Been A Stressful Week)

illustrated woman with a notebook


I don't usually write Nerd Church posts like this, but since Nerd Church isn't really tightly defined (...or defined at all, OK, I know,) I figured why not?

You may or may not have noticed that there was no Comics Wrap-Up (CWU) post, or Friday Fics Fix (F3) post this week.

- Which wasn't a planned break.

My life turned into another whirling ball of chaos this week, with my mother's health being very Not Good.

(Thankfully she's doing so much better now.)

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Life/Blogging Update


Hey everyone!

My life is once again chaos, so there won't be any Comics Wrap-Up tomorrow (Thursday 24th Oct), or Friday Fics Fix on Friday (25th Oct).

There will be a Nerd Church on Sunday - but whether it'll be a 'proper' Nerd Church or another update, I don't know.

Thanks for the patience!

Sunday, 6 October 2024

Nerd Church - I’d Love To Have A Cat’s Self-Confidence


Originally published on Medium

This started with a prompt, and then meandered far, far, away from the original idea… 😅

Prompt set by Dr. Casey Lawrence on Medium:

“ The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are stronger at the broken places.”

— Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms: Library Edition [x]

Title: I'd Love To Have A Cat's Self-Confidence. Image: silver fluffy cat wearing a cool pair of sunglasses

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: You Don't Have To Publish Everything


Warning: brief discussions of Anxiety/mental health issues

Title: You Don't Have To Publish Everything

This is a reminder to any of you fellow writers/bloggers/whoever-s out there who need it:


You don't have to post everything.

You don't have to publish everything.

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Nerd Church - Prioritise Small Steps


...brought to you by me, once again, giving myself a pep-talk and posting it on the internet 😅💪

Title: Prioritise Small Steps. Background: rainbow animal print, because I'm somehow subtle and extra at the same time

Listen, the world is rough and tough and kind of awful sometimes. 

It feels like everything is crashing and burning and we live in a frankly batpoop timeline.

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Month In Review(s) - August 2024


August reached my bar for a good month 

- which is admittedly so low it's practically touching the floor, but I'ma take it as a win 😅

Title: August - Awst. Image: sunflowers against a blue sky

Unfortunately, August was also pretty damned bad in terms of hay fever

- like, I've had hay fever a lot (more in recent years, because climate change,) but I've rarely felt this unwell with it.

So, yeah, that sucked. 

Wales got it's first woman First Minister with Eluned Morgan.

...Which would be a lot more celebration-worthy if her predecessor, Vaughan Gething, Europe's first Black leader of a nation, hadn't been forced out after deeply unfair (imho) and personal attacks, which crossed the line into racism more than once.

So, mixed bag.

Eluned Morgan, btw, fully supported Gething until the end of his short tenure - so the blame shouldn't be placed at her door for this.

In other parts of the UK (England and Northern Ireland,) there were racist riots.

...So not a good look for the UK in general in August, racism-wise. *Sighs*

People suck sometimes.

My regular series (Comics Wrap-Up, Friday Fics Fix, and Nerd Church,) went on break in August, and I didn't post much all-in-all.

- I try to do that every so often so that posts don't start feeling like too much of a chore. 😅

All three are back in action now, though. So September's post-list will be a lot longer than this one.

dividing line

'Other' Posts

Month(s) in Review(s) - June + July 2024

Poetry: An Echo

So that was my August - how was yours?

Talk to me! 😎💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovinFor more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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Sunday, 15 September 2024

Nerd Church - Celebrity Birthday Buddies!


It's my birthday today (15th Sep) so I figured I'd have a little fun.

(...of the nerdy sort, because that's on-brand, let's be honest.)

Title: Celebrity Birthday Buddies! Image: cupcakes

So, y'know that thing where people talk about their ideal celebrity dinner guests, either living or dead, fictional or real?

This isn't that.

But it is somewhat adjacent to that.

I thought that instead I'd talk about my celebrity birthday party list - with the twist that they also have to have their birthday on September 15th. Just because it's an awesome date, let's be honest.

So, here's my celebrity birthday buddies:

Friday, 9 August 2024

Month(s) In Review(s) - June + July 2024


Warning: discussions of Depression and pet loss

Title: June + July. Mehefin + Gorffennaf. Background: large sunflower

...OK, doing this as a two-monthly thing is becoming an unintentional habit 😅

The only excuse that I have is that sometimes Depression messes my memory up - and the fact that I entirely (and I mean, entirely,) forgot to write a post for June coincides with some pretty sh**ty mental health days over the past two months.

So, yeah. I'm blaming Depression. And I don't feel bad about that, because it blames me for stuff all the time 😅

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Nerd Church - Sometimes You Need To Take Things Slow


Title: Sometimes You Need To Take Things Slow

Do you get the feeling, sometimes, that everything out there in the big wide world is kind of... rushed?

It's kind of fast, kind of hurried, kind of urgent.

Sunday, 23 June 2024

Nerd Church - I'm So Tired Of The General Election


Title: I'm So Tired Of The General Election. Background: neutral, non-party-affiliated, bunting

I'm so tired of the election.

...That's the UK election, by the way. 

Which is happening on July 4th, the date of which apparently led to several people from the Conservative party using insider knowledge to place bets. Classy. (Allegedly.)

Sunday, 16 June 2024

Nerd Church - Migraine Trips


Title: Migraine Trips. Background: psychedelic patterning

You wake up and go downstairs, pausing mid-way down.

The lines of each individual stair seem to waver for a moment.

The stairs themselves seem vaguely Burtonesque - all slanted lines and moving pieces.

Your head hurts and you close your eyes.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Month(s) In Review(s) - April + May 2024

Warning: pet death, grief

Did I intend to make this a 2-month wrap-up?

No. No I did not.

Title: April + May. Ebrill + May. Background: flower pattern

Did it become abundantly clear that I wasn't gonna get April's post done by the end of May?

Yes. Yes it did.

April was awful.


You know how my criteria for a good month is one where no-one I care about - human or animal - dies, almost dies, or gets a life-changing diagnosis?

April was not a good month.

My beautiful cat died, dearest nerdlets.

And the world feels off without him. There's a hole in my chest.

So most of the rest of April + May has been trying to get used to life without him.

...It still hurts like hell.

That boy was my everything, and I have cried every single day since I lost him.

But I kept going, despite the urge to stay in bed and wail. 

(Turns out I'm frighteningly good at wailing - with frighteningly being the key word. I... did not know I could make that kind of noise. I freaked my parents the hell out.)

So, y'know, if you've got the chance to check out the posts I somehow managed to write despite the separation of my soul from my body, that'd be great... 😅

dividing line

Comics Wrap-Up

Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-style with speech bubbles containing heart symbols

Was Not Expecting That! - Wenglish in Marvel's Echo and more

Iconic and Irreplaceable - Joker: Folie a Deux and more

I Can Already Tell - X-men '97 and more

My Fangirling Heart Is Singing Right Now! - Deadpool & Wolverine and more

You Learn Stuff, I Guess - Chibird and more

The Freaking Chaos - Marvel's What If...? and more

Actually Quite Lovely - X-Men '97 and more

Gracing The Waves of the Interwebs - Deadpool & Wolverine and more

Wholesome and Positive - The Cursed Princess Club and more

Friday Fics Fix

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

The Nature of the Void - A The Umbrella Academy (TUA) fic exploring the nature of death, grief, and the Void

Most of You Aren't Gonna Read This - A The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (TFATWS) horror novella that is extremely well-written. I loved it. I hated it. It's so good.

Because I Am Trash - A TFATWS fic where Sam and Bucky are stuck in an industrial freezer. I stand by my life choices.

Cyberpunk Stucky - In a nutshell: Stucky (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes from the MCU in a relationship,) as detectives in space. But it's so much more than that. I would legit. buy this as an original novel - it's that good.

Vampires and a Smidge of FrostIron - Everything's better with vampires, right? Plus a little bit of Tony Stark/Loki love.

Klaus' Ghosts In A Specific Trope - I like the fandom-specific trope of Klaus literally showing his demons to people who deny or minimise them - the emo goblin spaghetti brain very much likes, OK?

Bucky's A Literal Demon and Sam's A Literal Angel - TFATWS

So. Freaking. Beautiful - A TUA Klaus/Dave fic with Klaus noticing that, in some lights, Dave's eyes are the exact same shade of blue as his powers, the ghosts, etc. etc. Which leads to a whole lot of introspection from both of them and... it's beautiful.

Nerd Church

Can Books 'Talk' To Us? - Do you think books can send us messages?

It's OK (Just Keep Going) - Brought to you by the art of giving myself a pep talk and then posting it on the internet 😅

My Heart Is Broken... - My beautiful boy is gone. 💔

Random Audiobook Ramblings - Walking is boring and books are awesome

Unpopular Opinion: I've Never Liked Gavin and Stacey - Sorry, not sorry. It feels uncomfortable - like Wales through an English lens.

What Does 'Enough' Even Mean? - Has anyone ever reached ‘enough’?

Things Happen When They Happen - I'm trying to remind myself that, so long as I'm working on things, they'll be ready when they're ready.

I Quit Google AdSense - Because this is way too many hoops to jump through for £7

Other Non-Review Posts

Month In Review(s) - March 2024

So, that's April and May for yours truly.

How was yours?

Talk to me! 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovinFor more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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Sunday, 26 May 2024

Nerd Church - I Quit Google AdSense

Title: I Quit Google AdSense, written inside a search bar

I’ve been using Google AdSense here on Dora Reads for quite some time — at least two years, but honestly, I lose track.

It’s probably more like 5 or 6 years at this point. (I am nothing if not persistent.)

In that time, I earned about £7  — which I couldn’t get to, because the minimum payout threshold is £60.

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Nerd Church - Things Happen When They Happen


Title: Things Happen When They Happen

I'm trying to remind myself that, so long as I'm working on things, they'll be ready when they're ready.

I'm an impatient person by nature - I want things done yesterday or earlier, thanks very much - but that's not the way to get sh** done in the long term.

Sunday, 12 May 2024

Nerd Church - What Does 'Enough' Even Mean?

Title: What Does 'Enough' Even Mean?

I never feel that I’m ‘enough’ of anything.

Not good ‘enough,’ not attractive ‘enough,’ not successful ‘enough,’ not ‘enough’ of anything.