Showing posts with label The Bookish Diversity Link List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Bookish Diversity Link List. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2025


Your resource for all things bookish diversity is back! (...Finally.)

Welcome to the 10th Bookish Diversity Link List, 2025.

Due to personal reasons, this year's list is the first since 2016 (the very first list - started in August) to not go up in January.

But I was determined, given the dumpster-fire state of the world, to carry on with the list this year.

So here we are, a little late, a little metaphorically battered and bruised, but still fighting to promote diversity in books. Because it takes a lot of positivity to counter negativity - and the world has plenty of negativity right now.

'The Bookish Diversity Link List' with punk-star background

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2024


Your resource for all things bookish diversity is back! 

Welcome to the 9th (Hell yeah!) Bookish Diversity Link List, 2024.

Given how bad my 2023 was, I'm happy I managed to keep last year's list going. 

I still think there's need for a resource which points to cool and good quality diverse bookish things - even if I sometimes struggle to add as much to it as I'd like.

Looking at the world as a whole, I'd say we def. need to keep championing the marginalised and diverse communities and voices wherever possible. Because garbage fire. 😅

So, here I am, once again, doing my small bit to keep things moving forward. I hope you find it useful.

'The Bookish Diversity Link List' with punk-star background

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2023


Your resource for all things bookish diversity is back! 

Welcome to the 7th(!) Bookish Diversity Link List, 2023.

As I said last year, I still think there's need for a resource which points to cool and good quality diverse bookish things - even if I sometimes struggle to add as much to it as I'd like.

My corner of the bookish interwebs may be flourishing diversely, but the bookish interwebs as a whole has a lot of churn in terms of participants (i.e. people leaving, people coming in,) - and some of the issues around diversity and representation remain as pressing as ever.

So, here I am, once again, doing my small bit to keep things moving forward. I hope you find it useful.

'The Bookish Diversity Link List' with punk-star background

Monday, 3 January 2022

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2022


Your resource for all things bookish diversity is back! Welcome to the 6th(!) Bookish Diversity Link List, back for 2022.

OK, 2021 maybe (big 'maybe',)  wasn't as actively on fire as 2020, but due to it still being a dumpster fire, and a lot of personal stuff, etc., I once again wasn't able to do as much for the link list as I'd like to.

I actually wondered whether or not to have a list for 2022 - the bookish interwebs have gotten to the stage where diversity is so much more prominent than it was in 2016, and I wondered whether I was really contributing anything any more.

But I still think there's need for a resource which points to other cool and good quality diverse bookish things - even if I sometimes struggle to add as much to it as I'd like.

My corner of the bookish interwebs may be flourishing diversely, but the bookish interwebs as a whole has a lot of churn in terms of participants (i.e. people leaving, people coming in,) - and some of the issues around diversity and representation remain as pressing as ever.

So, here I am, once again, doing my small bit to keep things moving forward. I hope you find it useful.

'The Bookish Diversity Link List' with punk-star background

Monday, 4 January 2021

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2021


Your resource for all things bookish diversity is back!

Considering 2020 was... 2020, I reckon I did quite well, really.

Still, that's all the more reason to strive to include more links to fabulous resources in this year's list! 

Especially considering that we can't lose the momentum gained in 2020 around racial issues, and we must protect the equality and representation of other identities!

And if all that sounded intimidating, then there's really no need for it to be - this is about books, and finding books which reflect the wonderful diversity of humanity on this weird little planet.

'The Bookish Diversity Link List' with punk-star background

Friday, 3 January 2020

The Bookish Diversity Linklist 2020

Let's bring Diversity to the Roaring 20s my dearest nerdlets!

2019's list was a LOT sparser than I wanted.

But I'm uber-pleased that the 'General' section - filled with larger resources devoted to Diversity - is becoming really and truly awesome!

This is the only section that I copy over from linklist to linklist, but I'm still adding stuff to the current year's all the time!

Let's kick the decade off with some positivity!

'The Bookish Diversity Link List' with punk-star background

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2019

Let's get moving my dearest nerdlets!

I didn't manage to make 2018's list all that I wanted it to be - not least because 2018 was stressful and hard as hell.

2019 though? Let's kick some butt!

'The Bookish Diversity Link List' with punk-star background

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2018

Here we go again! My link list of diverse bookish things for 2018.

Just like with the original link list, it'll start small and continue to grow throughout the year.

This year my aim is to get at least one link for EVERY category - so if you can help out, check out the info. below!

The Bookish Diversity Link List title image

Monday, 2 January 2017

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2017

Here it is! My link list of all bookish diverse things for 2017.

So, just like with the original link list, it'll start small and continue to grow throughout the year.

The Bookish Diversity Link List title image

So what counts? Well, a variety of stuff, but just as an example:
  • Discussion blogposts
  • Lists of authors
  • Lists of diverse books
  • Goodreads lists
  • Articles about diverse books
  • Interviews with diverse authors and/or about diversity in books

Some stuff that DOESN'T count:
  • Book reviews (although link-ups and lists of reviews are acceptable, this isn't a place for individual reviews)
  • Amazon/Goodreads etc. links to individual books
  • Non-bookish stuff
  • Spam

For more info, see the 2016 list which has more details, or just ask - I don't bite!

I'm not responsible for 3rd party content, or for the books the links recommend. If there's a problem with any link, just let me know in the comments below

This post is FREE for all, but if you would like to support me, Dora Reads, and the Link List, you can buy me a coffee here.

Previous Link Lists



Disability in Kidlit - website dedicated to representations of disability (inc. mental illness, learning disabilities, and non-neuro-typical people,) in Young Adult and Middle Grade (kids') books


All Our Worlds - Diverse Fantastic Fiction - a resource for diverse Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Speculative fiction

We Need Diverse Books
We Need Diverse Books (YouTube Channel)


The Lesbrary - blog focussed on lesbian and F/F books


The Gay YA
The Lesbrary - blog focussed on lesbian and F/F books

Native Americans

American Indians in Children's Literature - excellent blog run by Debbie Reese looking at representation of Native Americans, especially in children's books

People of Colour (PoCs)

Rich In Color - website dedicated to YA by or about People of Colour (PoCs) and Indigenous Peoples


Disability(also see Mental Illness/Mental Health, Non Neuro-Typical/Neuro-diverse/Autistic Spectrum, and Learning Disabilities)

Accessible Books
- also under Learning Disabilities

Dyslexia-friendly picture books - Book Trust list


Cancer Awareness Month - Book Trust list of books
World Cancer Day 2017 - list from Book Trust of YA fiction dealing with cancer

Cerebral Palsy (CP)

Cerebral Palsy - Goodreads list of fiction and non-fiction titles from user Danielle


Deaf Awareness Week - Book Trust list of kids books

Dementia - also under Mental Illness/Mental Health

Children's books on dementia - Book Trust list

Down's Syndrome - also under Learning Disabilities

Down's Syndrome Awareness Week - Book Trust list of kids books

Eating Disorders - also under Mental Illness/Mental Health

Eating Disorders Awareness Booklist - Book Trust list of YA and MG titles


Books to develop understanding of disabilityBook Trust list of kids' books
Books with positive images of disability - Book Trust kidlit list, which includes YA
Casual Inclusion of Disabled Characters - list from Book Trust of kids' books (mainly picture books) which include disabled characters without making it an issue


#OwnVoices Middle Grade Fiction - list from LibrarianDest @ King County Library System @ Seattle Public Library
Diversity Bingo 2017 Options - list of diverse books which would count for #DiversityBingo2017 from I Live and Breathe Words
Give Short Fiction a Chance! - 12 Diverse Short Story Collections And Anthologies That Will Win You Over - Naz @ Read Diverse Books

Indigenous Peoples (also see People of Colour (PoC) and International/World-Lit/Geography-categorised)

Native Americans

AICL's Best Books of 2016 - 2016 kids' books approved by American Indians in Children's Literature
#OwnVoices Representation: Native American Authors - Sarah Strange @ YA Interrobang

International/World Lit/Geography-categorised
(not including Europe, US, Canada, Aus & NZ)

(also see Indigenous Peoples and People of Colour (PoC)) 

Asia (general)

Asian YA: Awesomely Asian 2017 YA/MG Books - list from Airy Reads
Books With LGBTQIA Asian Protagonists - #ReadDiverse2017 - list from Naz @ Read Diverse Books


Books set in Africa - Book Trust list


An Indian Summer? - Book Trust #ownvoices list of Indian books
Books about India - Book Trust list
Queer and Indian - A Goodreads list of LGBTQ+/Queer books that are either set in India or have an Indian protagonist from user Smita Vanniyar

South America

South American stories - Book Trust #ownvoices list

South Asia

#OwnVoices Spotlight: South Asian Authors - list by Sarah Strange @ YA Interrobang

Learning Disabilities (also see Mental Illness/Mental Heath, Non Neuro-Typical/Neuro-Diverse/Autistic Spectrum, and Disabilities)

Accessible Books - also under Disabilities

Dyslexia-friendly picture books - Book Trust list

Down's Syndrome - also under Disabilities

Down's Syndrome Awareness Week - Book Trust list of kids books



The Aromantic and Asexual Speculative Fiction Database - huge resource from Claudie Arsenault


The Aromantic and Asexual Speculative Fiction Database - huge resource from Claudie Arsenault

F/F (book lists focussing on female same-sex romance)

9 Lesbian Romance Audiobooks To Warm Your Heart On Chilly Nights - Casey @ Autostraddle
Manga Hype: Ladies Loving Ladies Edition - list of f/f manga from Megan Cavitt @ Book Riot

General & Queer

2017 LGBTQ+ YA - from BCLA LGBTQ Interest Group
8 Queer High Fantasy Books For Your Epic Sword-Wielding Needs - focuses on queer women; Casey @ Autostraddle
Books With LGBTQIA Asian Protagonists - #ReadDiverse2017 - list from Naz @ Read Diverse Books
Four Queer Black Canadian Women Writers You Should Be Reading For Black History Month - Casey The Canadian Lesbrarian
Out and About - LGBTQ Books For Teens - list from Jefferson-Madison Regional Library
Queer and Indian - A Goodreads list of LGBTQ+/Queer books that are either set in India or have an Indian protagonist from user Smita Vanniyar


9 Lesbian Romance Audiobooks To Warm Your Heart On Chilly Nights - Casey @ Autostraddle
10 Works of Black Lesbian Short Fiction - list from Bina @ WoCReads


Reviews of trans and/or non-binary lit by trans and/or non-binary reviewers - directory of trans and/or non-binary people's reviews of literature that depict these genders, compiled by xanwest


Diversity Recs: Pansexual Characters - list from Two Book Thieves


6 Excellent Books by Trans Authors Available as Audiobooks - Casey Stepaniuk @ Book Riot
Reviews of trans and/or non-binary lit by trans and/or non-binary reviewers - directory of trans and/or non-binary people's reviews of literature that depict these genders, compiled by xanwest
Six Canadian Trans Women Writers You Should Know - list from Casey the Lesbrarian

Transgender Women

Six Canadian Trans Women Writers You Should Know - list from Casey the Lesbrarian

Mental Illness/Mental Health(also see Disabilities, Non Neuro-typical/Neuro-Diverse/Autistic Spectrum, and Learning Disabilities)

Dementia - also under Disabilities

Children's books on dementia - Book Trust list


Books about depression - Book Trust

Eating Disorders - also under disability

Eating Disorders Awareness Booklist - Book Trust list of YA and MG titles


Books to Support Understanding of Mental Health - Book Trust list of YA titles related to mental health

Non Neuro-Typical/Neuro-diverse/Autistic Spectrum
(see also Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, and Mental Illness/Mental Health)

Asperger's Syndrome and Autism - list from Book Trust of YA titles

People of Colour (PoC)
(also see Indigenous Peoples and International/World-Lit/Geography-categorised)

Asian (ethnicity)

Asian YA: Awesomely Asian 2017 YA/MG Books - list from Airy Reads
Books With LGBTQIA Asian Protagonists - #ReadDiverse2017 - list from Naz @ Read Diverse Books


10 Poetry Collections by Black Women #BlackHistoryMonth - list from Bina @ WoCReads
10 Works of Black Lesbian Short Fiction - list from Bina @ WoCReads
100 Best Children's Books for African American History Month - Karina Glaser @ Book Riot
2016 MG & YA Titles by African Americans - Kids' and Teens' books; Zetta Elliott
African American Historical Fiction For Teens - Jefferson-Madison Regional Library list
African American Historical Fiction For Teens [PDF] - PDF printable file of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library list
Black History Month - Book Trust list of #ownvoices black fiction
Four Queer Black Canadian Women Writers You Should Be Reading For Black History Month - Casey The Canadian Lesbrarian


11 Romance Authors of Color You Should Be Reading - list from Jessica Pryde @ Women Write About Comics
Read Harder 2017: Books Featuring PoVs from People of Color - list from Angel Cruz @ Book Riot

Indian (ethnicity)

An Indian Summer? - Book Trust #ownvoices list of Indian books
Queer and Indian - A Goodreads list of LGBTQ+/Queer books that are either set in India or have an Indian protagonist from user Smita Vanniyar


8 Great Latino Books Published in 2016 - list from Rigoberto González @ NBC News
South American stories - Book Trust #ownvoices list

Religious Diversity


Religious Diversity in Fantasy - includes characters with spiritual and religious beliefs in fantasy novels, but NOT beliefs specific to a fantasy world. Goodreads list from user Miranda


#OwnVoices Muslim Books to Read in 2017 - list from Angel Cruz @ Book Riot
100+ Muslim Authored Books - Goodreads list by Papatia Feauxzar
Muslim Squad - (adult) Fiction by Muslims - Goodreads list by user Jess W
Muslim Squad - (adult) Fiction featuring Muslims by non-Muslims - Goodreads list from user Jess W
Muslim YA - Goodreads list from user Emmy Neal
The Big End of the Year Book List: Islamic Fiction Edition - list written at the end of 2016 by Umm Juwayriyah

Diverse Authors Spotlights, Bibliographies, Q&As


(* Please let me know if I've made a mistake with someone's name! I try my best, but it's not always clear which names are surnames, and I'm really sorry if I've got something wrong.)


Blackman, Malorie

Top 10 books by Malorie Blackman - Book Trust list of books


Duffy, Carol Ann

Carol Ann Duffy - Book Trust list of books


Shaabneh, Nevien

Advice For Writing Diversity

Writing Diverse Side-Characters

Writing, Tonto & The Wise-Cracking Minority Sidekick Who Is The First To Die - post by author Cynthia Leitich Smith

Writing Native American Characters and/or Culture

Indian 101 for Writers, Part Four: Aargh!excellent advice on avoiding stereotypes from Alison DeLuca and Kara Stewart
Indian 101 for Writers, Part Two: Know Whereof You Speak (aka Don't Make It Up or Rely on What You *Think* You Know) - excellent advice from Alison DeLuca and Kara Stewart

Stereotypes and Tropes

Not all tropes are bad - far from it, but so many can be used harmfully against marginalised groups.

It's important to learn about tropes and how they affect our perceptions, especially of groups that are all too often stereotyped or dehumanised.

Avoiding Stereotypes

Indian 101 for Writers, Part Four: Aargh!excellent advice on avoiding stereotypes from Alison DeLuca and Kara Stewart
Writing, Tonto & The Wise-Cracking Minority Sidekick Who Is The First To Die - post by author Cynthia Leitich Smith

Native American Stereotypes

Indian 101 for Writers, Part Four: Aargh!excellent advice on avoiding stereotypes from Alison DeLuca and Kara Stewart

Monday, 8 August 2016

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2016

I'm uber-impressed by how awesome-sauce the discussions about bookish diversity and recommendations for diverse books are all over the bookish nooks and crannies of the interwebs.

So, because I have a tendency to take on enormous tasks (which this time will (hopefully) be beneficial for the bookish community at large,) I decided to put together a link-list of helpful diversity discussion and rec. lists.

Obviously, this list is far from comprehensive (I'm one freaking person!) but with your help, I'm hoping to expand it - I'll keep this list updated until the end of 2016, and will start a new list in 2017 (Just so that it doesn't get too big for me to manage - because anxiety is a b**ch, and I'm already worrying about the size of this task.)

The 2017 list will link to the 2016 list, so you won't miss all the stuff that'll end up in here! (See? Sometimes I'm downright smartical XD )

So what counts? Well, a variety of stuff, but just as an example:
  • Discussion YouTube/Booktube videos
  • Discussion blogposts
  • Lists of authors
  • Lists of diverse books
  • Goodreads lists
  • Articles about diverse books
  • Interviews with diverse authors and/or about diversity in books

Some stuff that DOESN'T count:
  • Book reviews (although link-ups and lists of reviews are acceptable, this isn't a place for individual reviews)
  • Amazon/Goodreads etc. links to individual books
  • Non-bookish stuff
  • Spam

What counts as diversity?

This is a tough one - and everyone will have their own definitions, but just as a rough guide:
  • Person of colour (PoC) authors, protagonists, topics
  • LGBTQ+ authors, protagonists, topics
  • Disabled characters, authors, topics
  • Dealing with themes of mental illness and mental health
  • Religious diversity in books (non-Christian religions) (please no sacred texts or evangelism.)
  • Traveller and Romani topics and peoples
  • Indigenous and native peoples

Doubtless I've missed something out, but just ask if you have a question.

This is a directory - a resource. Pick things that interest you, and check them out, a little at a time. You don't have to check out all of these links.

...Because your brain may very well explode if you try to read all of this at once. Believe me.

This is meant to be somewhere you can come to find out about diverse books - not to become overwhelmed and disengaged; pace yourself! :)

(You may want to bookmark the page so that you can get back to it easily. #JustSaying)

My aim here is to make this a resource where people can enter diversity discussions, and discover diverse books.

I reserve the right to not include, or to remove, links deemed inappropriate, offensive, or overly-negative or aggressive in tone.

I'm aiming for quality, and meaningful discussion, here so if something is incoherent (i.e. so poorly spelt that it's unreadable,) or you wouldn't recommend it to a friend to read/watch/whatever, please don't recommend it here.

I'll try to update the list at least once a month - but please be patient. Remember to check back regularly to see new links.

I am not responsible for the content of external sites. Views don't necessarily reflect my own. I've tried to include a range of views.

(Sorry if there are any mistakes... I've fallen asleep making this list more than once! It's hard work!)

One thing to start:

I would never have had this idea if it weren't for Naz's truly amazing Read Diverse Books* blog. If you want to find out more about diverse books, start there. XD

*2019 - Naz's blog is no longer at that domain.


All Our Worlds - Diverse Fantastic Fiction - a resource for diverse Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Speculative fiction

We Need Diverse Books
We Need Diverse Books (YouTube Channel)

Disability in Kidlit - website dedicated to representations of disability (inc. mental illness, learning disabilities, and non-neuro-typical people,) in Young Adult and Middle Grade (kids') books; ADDED 20TH OCTOBER

Rich In Color - website dedicated to YA by or about People of Colour (PoC) and Indigenous Peoples; ADDED 7TH NOVEMBER

YouTube/BookTube Discussion Videos


#Diverseathon: Safe vs. Uncomfortable Choices - excellent video about the choices we make when we read diverse books, and the importance of hearing own voices experience, using two books about Native American peoples as an example; Insert Literary Pun Here; running time - 6.18; ADDED 21ST SEPTEMBER
Bad English Major (aka I Need to Read Diverse Books) - Monica Fumarolo; reasons the BookTuber believes she needs to read more diversely; running time - 4.46
Default: A talk on the lack of diversity in literature | Marsha Niemeijer | TEDxYouth@ISBangkok - discussion of the default image in YA in particular as one of a white, able-bodied, cis-het person; running time - 11.25; ADDED 30TH AUGUST

Indigenous Peoples
(also see People of Colour (PoC))

Native Americans

#Diverseathon: Safe vs. Uncomfortable Choices - excellent video about the choices we make when we read diverse books, and the importance of hearing own voices experience, using two books about Native American peoples as an example; Insert Literary Pun Here; running time - 6.18; ADDED 21ST SEPTEMBER



LGBTQ+ Representation in Books | Alex Bertie  - Penguin Platform; a guest video on the channel of a major publisher for Pride Month June 2016 about the way LGBTQ+ lives are represented in books; running time - 2.27
The rise of LGBT literature for teens - Newsnight - BBC Newsnight; feature from 2015 on changing attitudes & more acceptance for LGBTQ+ YA fiction - inc. video clips of historical (1980s) homophobia (note: deadnames Juno Dawson due to production being pre-Transition;) running time - 6.30

People of Colour (PoC)
(also see Indigenous Peoples)


Coloring Books | Ty Allan Jackson | TEDxAlbany - amazing talk on the importance of PoC characters in children's books; running time - 16.36; ADDED 31ST AUGUST
Diversity in YA || It's Terrible and I'm Sick of It - heyitsolive; a discussion of diversity in YA fiction with a focus on racial diversity; running time - 5.36
Lack of Diversity in YA | Discussion - Paige's Pages; a discussion of racial diversity in YA fiction; running time - 12.06


(also see Mental Illness/Mental Health, Non Neuro-Typical/Autistic Spectrum, and Learning Disabilities)


Albinism shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for albinism; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER


ALS shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for ALS; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER

Alzheimer's Disease (also under Mental Illness/Mental Health)

Alzheimer's shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Alzheimer's Disease; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER

Amnesia (also under Mental Illness/Mental Health)

Amnesia shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Amnesia; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER


Amputees (arm/hand) shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for books with characters with amputated arms or hands; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER
Amputees (leg/foot) shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for books with characters with amputated legs or feet; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER

Aphasia (also under learning disabilities)

Aphasia shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for aphasia; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER


Asthma shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for asthma; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER

Blindness/Visual Impairment

Blind in One Eye Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for blindness in one eye; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER
Blind/Visually Impaired Shelf- Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for blind/visually impaired; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER
Blindness in YA - Goodreads list from user Holly; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER

Brain Injury (also under learning disabilities, and mental health/mental illness)

Brain Injury Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for brain injuiry; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER


Cancer Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for cancer; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER


Cardiomyopathy Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for cardiomyopathy; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER

Cerebral Palsy/CP

Cerebral Palsy Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for cerebral palsy; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for chronic fatigue; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER

Chronic Illness

Books for Children with Chronic Illness - Goodreads list from user Diane; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER

Chronic Illness Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for chronic illness; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for chronic pain; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER

Congenital Insensitivity to Pain/CIP

CIP Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for CIP; ADDED 8th NOVEMBER


Clubfoot Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for clubfoot; ADDED 8th NOVEMBER

Colon Disorder

Colon Disorder Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for colon disorder; ADDED 8th NOVEMBER


Colour-Blindness Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Colour-Blindness; ADDED 10th NOVEMBER

Conjoined Twins

Conjoined Twins Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Conjoined Twins; ADDED 10th NOVEMBER

Crohn's Disease

Crohn's Disease Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Crohn's Disease; ADDED 20th NOVEMBER

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Cystic Fibrosis; ADDED 20th NOVEMBER


Deaf (Hard of Hearing) Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Deaf (Hard of Hearing); ADDED 20th NOVEMBER
Deaf (One Ear) Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Deaf (One Ear); ADDED 20th NOVEMBER

Deformity Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Deformity; ADDED 9th DECEMBER

Dementia (also under mental illness/mental health)
Dementia Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Dementia; ADDED 9th DECEMBER


6 Books About Disability I Really Want To Read - list from Ely @ Tea & Titles; ADDED 20TH OCTOBER
Best Gay Romance With A Character(s) Who Has a Disability - Goodreads list from user Michael; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
Books Written by Disabled Authors - Goodreads list from user Aubrey; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER
Honor Roll - A list of recommended books from the Disability In Kidlit website, often updated, with options to filter by age-range, genre, disability, and publication year; ADDED 21ST OCTOBER
Seven MG/YA Novels Featuring Disabled Black Protagonists - list from the Disability in Kidlit Tumblr account; ADDED 21ST OCTOBER
Seven Non-Contemporary Fantasy YA Novels With Disabled Protagonists - list from the Disability in Kidlit Tumblr account; ADDED 8TH NOVEMBER
Stories about Individuals with Disabilities - Goodreads list from user Amy Plaks
Ten Historical MG/YA Novels With Disabled Protagonists - list of kid-friendly historical fiction with disabled protagonists, from the Disability in Kidlit Tumblr account; ADDED 21ST OCTOBER
Ten YA Novels Featuring Disabled Women of Color as Protagonists - list from the Disability in Kidlit Tumblr account; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER

Eastern European (Both Heritage & Nationality)*


Best Novels From Eastern Europe - Goodreads list from user Piet Michael; ADDED 31ST AUGUST


Polish Books Published In English - Goodreads list from user Kinga; ADDED 31ST AUGUST

* 'Cee, why is this here? Eastern Europeans are largely white, yes? There's lots of white people in literature.'

Yes. Yes there are. Eastern Europeans (particularly from outside of Russia)? Not so much.

Also, this is a group of people increasingly facing prejudice and hate crime in the UK. People are being attacked and killed for being Polish and/or Eastern European. So this is my small contribution to a change in attitude.


The Ultimate Diverse Books List - Naz @ Read Diverse Books' master-list of lists from 'The Diverse Books Tag;' he collects them all, so I don't have to! ;)

#YouGotDiverseBooks - The amazing Juno Dawson's YA diversity list
9 Publishers Who Promote Diversity And Uplift Writers Of Color - Blogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books
12 Blogs That Promote Diverse Books and Authors - Blogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books
12 Diverse Nonfiction Books That Will Educate and Inspire - Blogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books - ADDED 23RD AUGUST
A Diverse #SummerReading List For Kids - a list of picture books etc. with diverse characters from NPR
A Search For Diversity - a growing list of diverse books from Jolien @ The Fictional Reader; ADDED 13TH NOVEMBER
Diverse Books Resource List - List of a bunch of lists (not a dissimilar idea to this, actually) from Ava Jae @ Writability
Diversity in Fantasy and Science Fiction - Goodreads list from user Coolcurry
Diversity in Young Adult and Middle Grade - Goodreads list from user Emilia
Diversity Is Not A Trend – 15 Blogs and Websites Committed To Diversity In Literature Year-Round -  Blogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books
MG/YA/NA #ownvoices - Goodreads list of Middle Grade, Young Adult, and New Adult books written both about & by diverse authors, from user Dahlia
Looking To Diversify Your Reading History? Read These 20 Books To Get Started. - Blogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books; '10 Young Adult and 10 Adult Fiction books for those who are genuinely interested in seeking out diverse voices in literature, but don’t know where to start.'
Ultimate List of Diverse Book Lists - mainly kids book lists; list from Thien-Kim @ I'm Not The Nanny; ADDED 8TH SEPTEMBER

Learning Disabilities
(also see Mental Illness/Mental Heath, Non Neuro-Typical/Autistic Spectrum, and Disabilities)

ADHD (also under mental illness/mental health)
ADHD shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for ADHD; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER

Aphasia (also under disabilities)

Aphasia shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for aphasia; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER

Brain Injury (also under disabilities, and mental health/mental illness)

Brain Injury Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for brain injuiry; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER



3 on a YA Theme: Asexuality - Bookriot list from Kelly JensEn; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER
5 Tips and Tricks To Writing Asexual Characters - Gay YA post; ADDED 24TH OCTOBER
Asexuals In Fiction - Goodreads list from user Tiffany Rose
Books With Asexual Spectrum F/F Romances - Goodreads list from user Quartzen; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER


100 Must-Read Lesbian and Bisexual Women Books - excellent list from Danika Ellis @ Book Riot; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER
15 YAs Celebrating Bisexuality - list from Dahlia Adler @ BNTeenBlog; ADDED 19TH SEPTEMBER

An Alternative School Reading List: Here Is Every YA Novel With Lesbians - from Jill Guccini @ After Ellen; also includes books with bisexual female characters; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER
Bisexual Authors - Goodreads list from user Sylwia
Bisexual Fiction by Bisexual Authors - Goodreads list from user Verity Ritchie
Fiction about lesbian, bisexual, and queer women of color - Goodreads list from user Melinda; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
Kick off Bisexual Awareness Week with 12 2016 YA Books - list from Dahlia Adler @ BNTeenBlog; ADDED 20TH SEPTEMBER
Lesbian & Bi Women with Mental Illness - Goodreads list from user Danika at The Lesbrary; ADDED 30TH AUGUST

(lists focussed on female/female romance)

Books With Asexual Spectrum F/F Romances - Goodreads list from user Quartzen; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER
F/F in Fantasy - Goodreads list from user Liz for F/F in the fantasy genre; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER
F/F YA w/ happy endings - Goodreads list from user Miriasha Borsykowsy; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER


Best Gay Fiction - Goodreads list from user Charlie
Best Gay Romance With A Character(s) Who Has a Disability - Goodreads list from user Michael; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
Ten Gay Characters From African Literature That Everyone Should Know - list from Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed and Dele Meiji Fatunla @ Whats_On Africa; ADDED 2ND OCTOBER
Young Adult Fiction With Gay/Lesbian Content, 1969 - 2009: A Chronological Bibliography - huge list from Christine A Jenkins; ADDED 13TH OCTOBER

General & Queer

13 Under-the-Radar LGBTQ YA Must-Reads - list from Dahlia Adler @ BNTeenBlog; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER
2015 Over the Rainbow List: 78 LGBT for Adult Readers - list from GLBTRT @ ALA @ Over The Rainbow Books; ADDED 13TH OCTOBER
2015 Rainbow Book List - list of LGBTQ+ books for children and teens from GLBTRT @ ALA @ Rainbow Books; ADDED 13TH OCTOBER
2016 Over the Rainbow List: 68 LGBT for Adult Readers - list from GLBTRT @ ALA @ Over The Rainbow Books; ADDED 13TH OCTOBER
2016 Rainbow Book List - list of LGBTQ+ books for children and teens from GLBTRT @ ALA @ Rainbow Books; ADDED 13TH OCTOBER
8 Middle Grade Books with LGBTQ Characters - Casey @ Autostraddle; ADDED 27TH NOVEMBER
Contemporary LGBTQA Books Dealing With Mental Illness - Goodreads list from user T T Kove; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER
Fiction about lesbian, bisexual, and queer women of color - Goodreads list from user Melinda; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
In Honor of Orlando: 10 Books That Celebrate Queer Latinx IdentityBlogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books
Indian LGBTQ Books - from My Book Jacket @ Books & Strips; ADDED 9TH DECEMBER
QUILTBAG Compendium - list of LGBTQ+ publishers, book blogs, rec lists, resources, agents/editors, and book recommendations from Dahlia Adler @ Daily Dahlia; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER
LGBT in the Middle East - Goodreads list from user Melinda
LGBT Webcomics - Goodreads list from user Potatoe; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER
LGBTQIA+ YA Masterlist - List from GayYA
LGBTQIAP+ Books By and About People who Identify as LGBTQIAP+ - List from Dahlia Adler @ The Daily Dahlia; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER
LGBTQI YA Reads of 2016 - Goodreads list from user Petra (Safari Poet) - ADDED 24TH AUGUST
More YA and YA-friendly Books About LGBT Characters of Color - List by Malindo Lo; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER
Normal Blood Feelings: 5 Dark (and Sometimes Sexy) Queer Vampire Stories - List of queer female vampire stories by Carolyn @ Autostraddle; ADDED 27TH NOVEMBER
Stonewall Book Awards List - FULL list of LGBTQ+ books (fiction and non-fiction) honoured by Stonewall since 1971
YA Books About LGBT Characters of Color - List by Malindo Lo; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER


100 Must-Read Lesbian and Bisexual Women Books - excellent list from Danika Ellis @ Book Riot; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER
An Alternative School Reading List: Here Is Every YA Novel With Lesbians - from Jill Guccini @ After Ellen; also includes books with bisexual female characters; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER
Best Lesbian Graphic Novels - Goodreads list from user AJ
Chicana/Latina Lesbian Books - Goodreads list from user Danika at The Lesbrary; ADDED 31ST AUGUST
Fiction about lesbian, bisexual, and queer women of color - Goodreads list from user Melinda; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
Lesbian & Bi Women with Mental Illness - Goodreads list from user Danika at The Lesbrary; ADDED 30TH AUGUST
Young Adult Fiction With Gay/Lesbian Content, 1969 - 2009: A Chronological Bibliography - huge list from Christine A Jenkins; ADDED 13TH OCTOBER

M/M (lists focussed on male/male romance)

Best Gay Romance With A Character(s) Who Has a Disability - Goodreads list from user Michael; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
M/M Books Written by Men - Goodreads list from user Nemesis; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER


Romance Featuring Trans Characters - Goodreads list from user Megan; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER
Trans Books by Trans Authors - Goodreads list from user Danika at The Lesbrary

Indigenous Peoples
(also see People of Colour (PoC) and International/World-Lit/Geography-categorised)

Australian Indigenous Peoples/Aborigines

Indigenous OzYA poster 1 - YA by/about indigenous peoples in Australia; Danielle Binks @ LoveOzYA; ADDED 3RD NOVEMBER
Indigenous OzYA poster 2 - YA by/about indigenous peoples in Australia; Danielle Binks @ LoveOzYA; ADDED 3RD NOVEMBER

Canadian Indigenous Peoples

Canadian Book Challenge (10th Edition): Indigenous Writers - A list of recs. from Buried In Print who has decided to read indigenous authors for the Canadian Book Challenge; ADDED 17TH AUG


10 Books In 10 Months – Exploring The Works Of Indigenous Writers - Blogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books

Native American Peoples

10 Books by Indigenous Authors You Should Read - a list of 10 books by Native American authors from Emily Temple @ LitHub; ADDED 1ST DECEMBER
2016 Book Releases by Native Americans To Read Before and After the Year Ends - blogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books; ADDED 21ST NOVEMBER
Best Native American/First Nations Fiction - Goodreads list from user El
Happy Native American Heritage Month! - a fantastic list of recommended titles from Weezie Wood @ Wheezie's Whimsical Writings; ADDED 2ND NOVEMBER
Native American Children's Literature Recommended Reading - PDF list from First Nations Development Institute; ADDED 11TH NOVEMBER

Native Hawaiians

Guest Post: Why Indigenous Authors of Hawai'i Matter - Guest post on Reading and Gaming for Justice by Jackie; ADDED 24TH NOVEMBER

International/World Lit/Geography-categorised
(not including Europe, US, Canada, Aus & NZ)

(also see Indigenous Peoples and People of Colour (PoC)) 


Africa Shelf - CBC Diversity's Goodreads shelf for Africa; ADDED 11TH NOVEMBER
Ten Gay Characters From African Literature That Everyone Should Know - list from Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed and Dele Meiji Fatunla @ Whats_On Africa; ADDED 2ND OCTOBER


Multicultural Books for Children: 60+ Book Lists - directory of specific PoC/Multicultural lists of kids' books from Pragmatic Mom


Fiction/Non-fiction Books About India That Don't Focus on the British Raj - Goodreads list from user Stephanie; ADDED 7TH SEPTEMBER
Indian LGBTQ Books - from My Book Jacket @ Books & Strips; ADDED 9TH DECEMBER


Mini-List of the Week: Japanese YA Books by Japanese Authors - Robin Talley/YA Interrobang on Tumblr; ADDED 7TH NOVEMBER

Middle East

LGBT in the Middle East - Goodreads list from user Melinda

Mental Illness/Mental Health
(also see Disabilities, Non Neuro-typical/Autistic Spectrum, and Learning Disabilities)



Addiction shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for books which deal with addiction; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER

ADHD (also under learning disabilities)
ADHD shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for ADHD; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER


Agoraphobia shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for agoraphobia; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER

Alzheimer's Disease (also under Disabilities)

Alzheimer's shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Alzheimer's Disease; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER

Amnesia (also under Disabilities)

Amnesia shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Amnesia; ADDED 23RD OCTOBER


Anxiety shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Anxiety Disorder; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Bipolar Disorder; ADDED 7TH NOVEMBER
Bipolar Disorder Shelf - Diverse Reads' Goodreads shelf for Bipolar Disorder; ADDED 11TH NOVEMBER

Brain Injury (also under learning disabilities, and disabilities)

Brain Injury Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for brain injuiry; ADDED 7th NOVEMBER


Six MG/YA Novels Featuring Protagonists With Depression - list from the Disability in Kidlit Tumblr; ADDED 21ST OCTOBER

Dementia (also under disabilities)
Dementia Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads shelf for Dementia; ADDED 9th DECEMBER


9 Authors You Can Trust To Be Real About Mental Health - list by Sophie Waters @ Maximumpop! Books; ADDED 9TH NOVEMBER
Contemporary LGBTQA Books Dealing With Mental Illness - Goodreads list from user T T Kove; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER
Lesbian & Bi Women with Mental Illness - Goodreads list from user Danika at The Lesbrary; ADDED 30TH AUGUST
Picture Books About Mental Health - Goodreads list from user marvellings; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER
Shattering Stigma Mental Health Event: Books, Books, Books! - intro to blog event by Inge @ Of Wonderland which includes a list of books which deal with mental health issues - ADDED 15TH AUG
YA Book Recs: Novels that Respect Mental Illness - guest post on Blogs of a Bookaholic by Christine @ Girl in the Pages


YA About OCD - Goodreads list from user Lauren (Lauren Reads YA); ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER

Selective Mutism

Selective Mutism - Goodreads list from user Meaghan; ADDED 12TH NOVEMBER

Non Neuro-Typical/Autistic Spectrum

(see also Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, and Mental Illness/Mental Health)


Autism Shelf - Disability in Kidlit's Goodreads autism shelf; ADDED 7TH NOVEMBER

People of Colour (PoC)
(also see Indigenous Peoples and International/World Lit/Geography-categorised)

Asian (All; Ethnicity)

Updated List: 150+ Asian Speculative Fiction Authors (With Links) - list on Carrie Cuinn's site - ADDED 15TH AUG

Asian (East; Ethnicity)

#OwnVoices Spotlight: East Asian Authors; Sarah Strange @ YA Interrobang

Bi-racial, Multi-racial, and Mixed Race

11 Middle Grade Books with Mixed Race Girls - list from Thien-Kim @ I'm Not the Nanny; ADDED 8TH SEPTEMBER

Black and African-American

11 Black Comic Artists You Should Know - Troy Wiggins @ Panels - ADDED 10TH AUG
20 Black Women With Killer Bibliographies - Whitney @ Brown Books and Green Tea - ADDED 11TH AUG
20 Exciting 2016/17 YA Books by Black Women | #DiversityBoost - @ The Book Avid - ADDED 25TH AUGUST
30 Black Comic Book Writers You Should Know - Troy Wiggins @ Panels - ADDED 10TH AUG
African-American Shelf - CBC Diversity's shelf for African-American books on Goodreads; ADDED 11TH NOVEMBER
Best African American Books - Goodreads list from user JG (The Introverted Reader)

Black History Month | An Introduction to Welsh Writers - a list of Black writers with connections to Wales; Durre S Mughal @ Wales Arts Review; ADDED 28TH OCTOBER
Black Women As Heroes And Role Models – A Reading List - Blogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books

Seven MG/YA Novels Featuring Disabled Black Protagonists - list from the Disability in Kidlit Tumblr account; ADDED 21ST OCTOBER
Top 100+ Recommended African-American Children's Books - list from AALBC; ADDED 8TH SEPTEMBER


#ReadPoC: List of Books by Authors of Color - goodreads list from user ReadPOCMoD; ADDED 14TH AUG
2016 Reading List: Women of Color - Goodreads list from user Louise Tripp; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
Diverse Chapter Books About Growing Up in the South #ReadYourWorld - list of kids' chapter books about PoC growing up in the South of the USA; Thien-Kim @ I'm Not the Nanny; ADDED 9TH SEPTEMBER
Diversity & Nonfiction: Writers of Color as Experts - a list of 6 books by PoC who are experts in their field; Bina @ If You Can Read This
Fantasy YA Lit List - a list of YA fantasy by/about PoC by Jessica @ Rich in Color; ADDED 10TH NOVEMBER
Feminist Books by Women of Color - Goodreads list from user Melissa; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
Fiction about lesbian, bisexual, and queer women of color - Goodreads list from user Melinda; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
More YA and YA-friendly Books About LGBT Characters of Color - List by Malinda Lo; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER
Multicultural Books for Children: 60+ Book Lists - directory of specific PoC/Multicultural lists of kids' books from Pragmatic Mom

Ten YA Novels Featuring Disabled Women of Color as Protagonists - list from the Disability in Kidlit Tumblr account; ADDED 1ST NOVEMBER
YA Books About LGBT Characters of Color - List by Malinda Lo; ADDED 12TH OCTOBER

Japanese (Ethnicity)

Mini-List of the Week: Japanese YA Books by Japanese Authors - Robin Talley/YA Interrobang on Tumblr; ADDED 7TH NOVEMBER


18 Upcoming and Recent 2016/17 Books by Latinx Authors: Magical Realism, Diversity, and All the Feels | #DiversityBoost - list from The Bookavid; ADDED 15TH NOVEMBER
20+ Books to Read During AND After Latinx Heritage Month - List of books by Latinx authors from Naz @ Read Diverse Books; ADDED 16TH SEPTEMBER
Books written by Latinx authors - List of 10 books by Latinx authors; Tumblr post from ¿Cómo Se Dice Nerd? by thisisnotlatinx; ADDED 6TH SEPTEMBER
Chicana/Latina Lesbian Books - Goodreads list from user Danika at The Lesbrary; ADDED 31ST AUGUST
In Honor of Orlando: 10 Books That Celebrate Queer Latinx Identity Blogpost from Naz @ Read Diverse Books
Graphic Novels with Latinx Main Character/s - Blogpost from this site; ADDED 15TH SEPTEMBER
The 'Not New York Times' Summer Reading List - list of books by Latinx authors, from Sabrina Vourvoulias @ Al Día News; ADDED 11TH OCTOBER

The 'Not New York Times' Summer Reading List for TEENS - list of books by Latinx authors, from Sabrina Vourvoulias @ Al Día News; ADDED 11TH OCTOBER

Religious Diversity


10 Contemporary Novels By and About Muslims You Should Read - Emily Temple @ LitHub; ADDED 1ST DECEMBER
Muslims Represented in Literature - Goodreads list from user Nuzaifa - Word Contessa
Representing the Muslim American Experience - a discussion of the need for representation of Muslim Americans in books, with a list of recs at the bottom; Laila Alawa @ SLJ
YA Novels with Muslim Characters - list from Zaheerah's site; ADDED 15TH SEPTEMBER



Twenty 'Gypsy' Women You Should Be Reading - a list of twenty female authors of Roma or Traveller heritage by Jessica Reidy @ VIDA

Discussion Posts

(also see Mental Illness/Mental Health, Non Neuro-Typical/Autistic Spectrum, and Learning Disabilities)

Cerebral Palsy (CP)

The One Word I Hate Reading - discussions of language used casually in books which is offensive to people with CP; Lara @ Another Teen Reader; ADDED 27TH AUGUST


Disability and Representation - great post from Dina @ Dinasoaur; ADDED 9TH DECEMBER
Why We Need More Disability in YA - great post from Ely @ Tea & Titles; ADDED 3RD SEPTEMBER


5 Diversity Myths Debunked - discussion-list from this site about misconceptions surrounding the diversity movement; ADDED 15TH SEPT
Diversity Isn't A Buzzword - Guest Post by The Pewter Wolf #DiversityMonth - excellent guest discussion post by The Pewter Wolf @ Luna's Little Library; ADDED 7TH NOVEMBER
I Can't Even With Librarians Who Don't Read Diverselythe importance of people who work with books reading diversely; Molly Wetta @ Book Riot; ADDED 25TH AUGUST 
Let's Talk About: The Diversity 'Catch-22' - Misrepresentation vs. No Representation - excellent discussion post from CW @ ReadThinkPonder; ADDED 19TH SEPTEMBER

What Does the Term "Diverse" Mean to You? - a discussion of the meaning of diversity by Naz @ Read Diverse Books
Why Do We Need Diverse Books in Non-Diverse Schools? - Guest blogger Taun Wright explains why diverse books benefit all kids on The Open Book
Writing Kitchens [2]: How Can We Write Diversely? - great advice post from Alyssa @ The Devil Orders Takeout; ADDED 19TH SEPTEMBER

Indigenous Peoples

(also see People of Colour (PoC) and International/World-Lit/Geography-Categorised)

Native American Peoples

Magic & Marginalization: Et Tu, JK? :( - an expression of disappointment in Pottermore's history of magic in North America; Righting Red

Native People Respond to Rowling - a discussion of the reaction to issues on Pottermore by Native American peoples; inc. link-list of responses from various Native viewpoints; Debbie Reese @ AICL
Quileute Elder on Quileute Stories - a post about the representation of the Quileute people in the Twilight saga by Debbie Reese @ American Indians in Children's Literature; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER



Talktime #13: My Need For Asexual Characters - Sierra @ The Nerdgirl Review talks the necessity of more asexual characters in fiction; includes swearing, because she was in a v bad mood that day (with reason.)


The Critical Evolution of LGBTQ+ Young Adult Literature - a look at the history of YA LGBTQ+ from Michael Waters @ The Establishment

Mental Illness/Mental Health

(also see Non-neurotypical/Autistic Spectrum, Disabilities, and Learning Disabilities.)


[Guest Post] Depression In Fiction: Why It Hurts More Than It Helps - discussion of the perpetuation of misinformation, generalisations, and stereotypes, when depression is discussed in fiction; Nenia Campbell guest-posting @ Of Wonderland; ADDED 15TH AUG

The “Pills are Evil” Trope - discussion of the negative ways anti-depressants are described in YA novels, and how this adds to the stigma of mental illness; Rhiannon Thomas @ Feminist Fiction

Thoughts on Novels About Depression (TM) - how depictions of depression in novels are often unrealistic, and potentially harmful; Rhiannon Thomas @ Feminist Fiction

Non-neurotypical/Autistic Spectrum
(also see disabilities, mental illness/mental health, and learning disabilities)

Opinion: Five things to keep in mind when writing about autism - Laurie Mawlam @ Vancouver Sun; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER
The Curious Incidence of Autistics In Fiction - Penny Gotch writing at Disability Now; an autistic writer explains the problems with the way autistic people are portrayed in fiction.
Why we need to hear from readers and writers with autism - Corinne Duyvis writing @ The Guardian; ADDED 13TH OCTOBER

People of Colour (PoC)
(also see Indigenous Peoples and International/World-Lit/Geography-categorised)


Black Girls Can Be Magical Too - a post on black women in fantasy by E Wist @ Black and Writerly
Searching For Black Princesses - the importance of black princesses for children; blogpost from Thien-Kim @ I'm Not the Nanny; ADDED 8TH SEPTEMBER


It Matters If You’re Black or White: The Racism of YA Book Covers - discussion of 'white-washing' and obscuring race on book covers; Annie Schutte @ YALSA Hub
Race in YA Lit: Wake Up & Smell the Coffee-Colored Skin, White Authors! - discussion of race in YA, and how improvements can be made; Sarah Ockler

Religious Diversity


Burka's and Books - personal story about experiences of discrimination by a Muslim reader; thepocobookreader
Representing the Muslim American Experience - a discussion of the need for representation of Muslim Americans in books, with a list of recs at the bottom; Laila Alawa @ SLJ

Diverse Authors Spotlights, Bibliographies, Q&As


(* Please let me know if I've made a mistake with someone's name! I try my best, but it's not always clear which names are surnames, and I'm really sorry if I've got something wrong.)


Bowles, David

Meet David Bowles, author of 'The Smoking Mirror' - Interview from Sabrina Vourvoulias @ Al Dia News; ADDED 11TH OCTOBER

Bradley, Lisa M

Bibliography Spotlight: Lisa M BradleySpotlight from Naz @ Read Diverse Books; ADDED 9TH OCTOBER


Machado, Carmen María

The metafictional, liminal, lyrical ways of writer Carmen María Machado - Interview from Sabrina Vourvoulias @ Al Dia News; ADDED 11TH OCTOBER

Moreno-Garcia, Silvia

Q&A With Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Author of "Certain Dark Things" - Interview from Naz @ Read Diverse Books; ADDED 9TH OCTOBER


Older, Daniel José

Urban Fantasy Steps Up - Q&A with Daniel José Older from Sabrina Vourvoulias @ Al Dia News; ADDED 11TH OCTOBER

Oliva Arriagada, Felipe

Q&A With Chilean Author Felipe Oliva Arriagada - Interview from Naz @ Read Diverse Books; ADDED 9TH OCTOBER


Stone, Lucina

Interview: Lucina Stone, Author of "Santa Muerte" - Interview from Naz @ Read Diverse Books; ADDED 9TH OCTOBER


Tarwater, Tristan J

Bibliography Spotlight - Tristan J. Tarwater - Spotlight from Naz @ Read Diverse Books; ADDED 9TH OCTOBER


Woodson, Jacqueline

Author Spotlight: Jacqueline Woodson - Spotlight @ Rich in Color; ADDED 7TH NOVEMBER


Xavier, Emanuel

A Q&A With Poet, Editor, And Activist, Emanuel Xavier - Interview from Naz @ Read Diverse Books; ADDED 9TH OCTOBER

Advice For Writing Diversity


7 Offensive Mistakes Well-Intentioned Writers Make - mistakes to avoid when writing diverse characters; Springhole; ADDED 22ND SEPTEMBER
Writing Kitchens [2]: How Can We Write Diversely? - great advice post from Alyssa @ The Devil Orders Takeout; ADDED 19TH SEPTEMBER



5 Tips and Tricks To Writing Asexual Characters - Gay YA post; ADDED 24TH OCTOBER

Non-Neurotypical/Autistic Spectrum


Opinion: Five things to keep in mind when writing about autism - Laurie Mawlam @ Vancouver Sun; ADDED 20TH NOVEMBER

Stereotypes and Tropes

Not all tropes are bad - far from it, but so many can be used harmfully against marginalised groups.

It's important to learn about tropes and how they affect our perceptions, especially of groups that are all too often stereotyped or dehumanised.

LGBTQ+ Tropes

General and Queer

Homophobia Index - index of Homophobic, Transphobic, etc. tropes from TV Tropes; ADDED 13TH NOVEMBER
Queer as Tropes - List of tropes relating to LGBTQ+ people from TV Tropes; ADDED 13TH NOVEMBER

Prejudice Tropes


Homophobia Index - index of Homophobic, Transphobic, etc. tropes from TV Tropes; ADDED 13TH NOVEMBER
Prejudice Tropes - tropes related to prejudice and bigotry from TV Tropes; ADDED 13TH NOVEMBER
Unfortunate Implications - tropes which unintentionally cause offense and are therefore still harmful, from TV Tropes; ADDED 13TH NOVEMBER

Racial and Ethnic Tropes


Race Tropes - list of tropes connected to race @ TV Tropes; ADDED 13TH NOVEMBER
Stereotypes and Tropes Navigation - directory to discussions and guides on stereotypes and tropes @ Writing With Color; ADDED 13TH NOVEMBER
Stereotyping Tropes List - list of tropes which stereotype People of Colour (PoC) from Writing With Color; ADDED 13TH NOVEMBER

Let me know of any other links that I can include (particularly in areas with no/less links here!) and I'll get to them when I can :)

(Please be patient! >.<)