Showing posts with label M/M/M. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M/M/M. Show all posts

Friday, 15 September 2023

Friday Fics Fix - Blackbeard's Bedraggled Attack Dog


'Izzy stared at the doily, trying to imagine where on the high seas they might have stolen that from. Izzy looked up to find Bonnet looking at him meaningfully, then down at the sandwiches. And back.'


Title: F3. Background: artsy geometry

First thing's first: it's my birthday today! (15th Sep)


If you feel like doing so, you can buy me a birthday coffee here. But don't worry, I'll still love ya if you don't 😘

OK, back to our regularly scheduled fandom-ing:

Yes it's some Our Flag Means Death (OFMD) this week!

It's a well-written fic, and you know I have no choice: I must rec. These are the rules. *nods sagely*

Friday, 8 September 2023

Friday Fics Fix - The Moon Is Real Frickin' Mysterious


"He says hi," says Marc. "And he really likes how this alliance is working so far -- new age of the world and all that, very exciting -- but, if you could just...respect the right of the moon to be real frickin' mysterious? Please?"

Title: F3. Background: awesome sauce weird kaleidoscope patterns

Before we get into this week's F3 - what do you all think of the new graphic?!

I've been meaning to update the graphic for Friday Fics Fix for a long time - I was still using the one I threw together on a whim around 2015/2016-ish.

I hope you like it!

OK, back to our regularly scheduled fandoming:

This is a Marvel's Moon Knight fic!

I love Moon Knight, and sadly there aren't that many good Moon Knight fics out there (disagree? Please rec!) - but this week's fic is awesome!

Friday, 28 April 2023

Friday Fics Fix - I Want The Queer Pirates, So You're All Getting The Queer Pirates


'Bonnet looks at him questioningly. “Concussion?”

“Truth serum.”

"Ah, that'd do it..."'

Title: Fics Fix! Background: purple with white lightning bolt shape

Somehow this month I've ended up rec'ing only The Umbrella Academy (TUA) and Our Flag Means Death (OFMD) fics.

I did have a blogging-related existential crisis when I realised that I was gonna end up rec'ing an OFMD fic again (only the cool people have sub-labels of existential crises, OK?) - but then I decided I didn't care.

Friday, 8 October 2021

Friday Fics Fix - A Queer Horror Fanfic Rec List


Since it's October, and therefore a time for all things spooky and gothic (woohoo!) I thought I'd give you all a little taste of some horror fics.

Some of these are horror in that the specific piece of fanfiction is horror-based, and some of them are actually based on horror media/fandoms. OK? OK.

Oh, and they're all Queer af.

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

As I’ve mentioned before, Queer people love horror.

(Not all of us, obviously, that would be a sweeping generalisation, and everyone’s different, but a lot of Queer people do love horror. And I mean LOVE it.)

So, horror's Queer, fanfiction's Queer, let's pull some monsters outta the closet! 😉😎😅

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Month In Review(s) - April 2020

(Warning: this post discusses Covid 19/Coronavirus, and Anxiety)

April 2020.

Um... yeah... 

(I know it's the 13th of May - I'm disorganised, and you all know this.)

'April - Ebrill' with girl in a coat holding an umbrella, and an artsy swirl around it

OK, plus side: I had fewer panic attacks this month!

I mean, I still had panic attacks, and a butt-tonne of Anxiety, but I had slightly less of it! Woo!

(Small victories, dearest nerdlets, small victories.)

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Comics Wrap-Up - Best Friends With Each Other But Always Wished They Were More

 ***All links in this post are commission links. This means I earn commission from purchases made in the US*** 

Please do not use my links to make UK purchases.

'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

Hello dearest nerdlets! I have all the superhero-y comics-y goodness that we all need, it's Thursday, let's do this!

(Everything's under the 'Other Stuff' category today, for which we will of course blame Loki - as is tradition.)

Friday, 10 April 2020

Friday Fics Fix - Three Hearts

'“Hey, He-Who-Lurks-Creepily-in-Corners,” Tony said. “You want a smoothie? You need to replace all the stuff you lost earlier.”'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Amongst the shippers of the MCU, there are many ships on which to sail.

(Yes, I'm talking Avengers again - I know, I've kind of been alternating between Avengers and Umbrella Academy lately, but they're the fics I've found that are worth recc'ing *shrugs* what's a nerdgirl to do?)

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Comics Wrap-Up - It's A Beautiful Thing When Boy Meets Boy

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga-style woman handing her living-shadow a flower

It's Thursday, and that means it's time for superheroes and all the comics-y goodness! Woo! 😀

Friday, 28 June 2019

Friday Fics Fix - Murder House Party!

“You guys seem really chill about all this,” observed Ben. “By this point most people are running around screaming.”

“Occupational hazard,” said Klaus.

“I’ve lost a lot of blood,” said Diego. “I’m just accepting everything at face value right now.”

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

If there's one thing that Netflix has got me obsessed with as much as Umbrella Academy, it's American Horror Story.

(Only on season 2 #NoSpoilersPlease!)