This meme is centred on the weekend, but yours truly is a Bookish Rebel who does what she wants, so I'm putting my post up on Wednesday.
(Wednesday is the new weekend, dearest nerdlets.)
This week's topic/question thingummy is:
Do you prefer to read a single book at a time, or multiple books at a time? Why?
Ha, I had to pitch in on this one!
I read soooooooo many books at a time!
Why? Well a variety of reasons:
- convenience/laziness (sometimes the book I would be reading is all the way downstairs! lol)
- genre-hopping
- short attention span
- a complete lack of patience and self-control (come on... who hasn't had that new and longed for book just call their name?!)
- an ever-expanding to be read (TBR) list which needs to be cut down on BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY
- depression
Wait... did she say depression?
Yes my nerdlets, I did. As I've mentioned before, what I'm reading affects my mood.
So in order to stay somewhat OK when living with depression and using reading as the lifeboat that it is, I have to pay attention to the way my mood is sailing.
Sometimes, what I'm reading brings me down.
And not like the 'ohmygodthefeels!' kind of down. I mean like depression-down. Which is awful.
It doesn't even always have to be a sad book. Sometimes chick lit and romances bring me down because I think I won't ever be that happy - and that's a worrying place to be in.
It doesn't even always have to be a sad book. Sometimes chick lit and romances bring me down because I think I won't ever be that happy - and that's a worrying place to be in.
So then I change what I'm reading. It doesn't mean I'm giving up on the book, it just means that I need to read something else for a little bit, and I'll go back to the other book when I'm ready.
Sometimes it's more a question of what I need at that time, rather than avoiding what I don't.
Self-care isn't just for the bad times (and not just for those with mental health problems - everyone has mental health, just like everyone has physical health, so everyone can take care of it.)
Sometimes you want self-indulgence - maybe a favourite genre, or a favourite author.
Sometimes you just don't feel like reading the 500+ page book with the dense prose. Sometimes you want a lighter read - romance, chick lit, some poetry, whatever.
And then sometimes you do want to get your teeth into the long prize-winning tome that you've been eyeing up.
In short, for me at least, it's all about what I feel like reading at the time.
I might literally read one book for ten minutes, and then switch to another for a chapter or two.
It's kind of just the way I deal with things *shrugs* we all need some breathing room every now and then - it's just this way, I get to keep reading! Lol.
And of course, I'll often read romances according to what my sexuality is that day ;)
If I'm not attracted to dudes that day, steamy m/f romances aren't going to hold as much appeal.
That's not to say that I never read m/f romances when I'm not attracted to men, but I tend to want more storyline, more character development etc.
If a book is all sex scenes, at a time when I'm not attracted to anyone, for example - because I do have asexual days or periods of time - then I'm really not going to appreciate it *shrugs* simple as that.
Sometimes it's more a question of what I need at that time, rather than avoiding what I don't.
Self-care isn't just for the bad times (and not just for those with mental health problems - everyone has mental health, just like everyone has physical health, so everyone can take care of it.)
Sometimes you want self-indulgence - maybe a favourite genre, or a favourite author.
Sometimes you just don't feel like reading the 500+ page book with the dense prose. Sometimes you want a lighter read - romance, chick lit, some poetry, whatever.
And then sometimes you do want to get your teeth into the long prize-winning tome that you've been eyeing up.
In short, for me at least, it's all about what I feel like reading at the time.
I might literally read one book for ten minutes, and then switch to another for a chapter or two.
It's kind of just the way I deal with things *shrugs* we all need some breathing room every now and then - it's just this way, I get to keep reading! Lol.
And of course, I'll often read romances according to what my sexuality is that day ;)
If I'm not attracted to dudes that day, steamy m/f romances aren't going to hold as much appeal.
That's not to say that I never read m/f romances when I'm not attracted to men, but I tend to want more storyline, more character development etc.
If a book is all sex scenes, at a time when I'm not attracted to anyone, for example - because I do have asexual days or periods of time - then I'm really not going to appreciate it *shrugs* simple as that.
So what about you guys? Are you a single-book kind of reader, or a 'I read what I like, when I like,' kind of soul?
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