Sunday, 3 November 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Stories Don’t Need A Beginning, A Middle, and An End


Title: Stories Don’t Need A Beginning, A Middle, and An End

I’m sure when you were a teeny-tiny child, and had gotten through the ABCs, your teachers explained how to write stories.

They probably told you something like ‘a story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.’

…Which isn’t the worst way to explain it to distracted feral school-children, but we’re grown-ups now (…kinda.)

We’re ready for the truth —

Stories don’t need a beginning, a middle, or an end — not in the narrative sense, anyway, they obviously have them in the literal/physical sense, (‘cos you can just point to the last sentence and be like ‘ending!’ Lol.)

Jamie Lannister saying 'burn them all'
via Giphy

Something always happened before the start. Something always happens after the end. 

(Breaking news: Celtic girl doesn’t believe in endings! Lol.)

And since the middle is defined by being between beginning and end, we can ditch that one too.

beautiful Celtic knot glitch art gif
Via NukeHype @ Giphy -- A Celtic knot; can't beat it!

So what does that leave us with?

Pure prose.

Unbound, undefined.

...sounds like fun 😈

Sometimes you have to indulge in a little narrative anarchy!
Thoughts? Complaints?
Talk to me! πŸ˜…πŸ’¬

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Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!