Sunday, 24 November 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Let Me Romanticise Writing, Dammit!


Title: Let Me Romanticise Writing, Dammit!

Every now and then, out there on the Interwebs, I come across someone who disapproves of the 'romanticisation' of writing.

To them, writing is a career, a job, an occupation. Maybe they enjoy it, maybe they're good at it, but there's no fire in them that compels them to write.

And that's OK - as long as you're not hurting anyone, why would I actually care whether you see writing as a calling, or a content-grinding hustle, or both? 

You do you - I might judge your work (if it's cr*p I'm not going to pretend it's not, ditto if it's great,) but I don't give a damn about your motives and attitudes. So long as you're not being a jerk, ofc.

But to some people, apparently, those of us who feel like writing is a calling - that it is something beyond 'just' a career, that it means something - are pretentious artistes.

...Now, I'm not in the habit of denying harsh truths: some people actually are pretentious artistes. 

Gatekeepers suck, pretentions suck, and they are out there in the big wide world. (Usually making more money than the rest of us...)

But - and correct me if I'm wrong, please - I'm not pretentious. 

(At least... I really hope not. My over-thinking is now going into over-drive and I'ma encourage it to shut the eff up 😅)

I don't do pretentious stuff - I can't be dealing with that kinda sh**. 

...but I 100% believe that writing is my calling. 

It goes in the same box in my head as 'sleep, eat, breathe, go to the toilet' - y'know? Basic functions.

It means something fundamental to me - and I'm of the opinion that it chose me, I didn't choose it. 

It's the Awen - the spirit of devine inspiration - always driving me on (and yes, I know how hippie-ish that sounds, I don't require you to agree.)

It's my purpose - to read and to write - and while I've often questioned why it's my purpose, I've never doubted that it is.

It always gets me when people are like, 'oh, you shouldn't romanticise writing and being a writer - it's a job, it's a career, it's about the grind...'

I've seen a veritable tonne of people say this online over the years and... I don't get it?

Surely if there is one thing in this oh-too-often-superficial life that we can romanticise, it's art, it's music, it's poetry, it's writing?

Or are we simply not supposed to reach for meaning?

Like - no, you, personally, don't have to feel any sort of romantic and/or mysticky way about writing.

But why would it bother you that other people do?

Why would it make a tiny little bit of freaking difference to you personally if some of us see writing as more than 'just' a job, or 'just' a hobby - both of which, I will stress again, are perfectly fine.

Maybe I get a little defensive, when I come across a post, or an article, or a YouTube video, or whatever, which has this attitude - but then, why shouldn't I?

When people indirectly accuse me of putting on 'affectations' - a word I've actually seen used to describe people who see writing as a calling  - they're essentially questioning my authenticity as a writer.

And - newsflash: I'm actually like this. Sorry to disappoint, I guess (lol.)

I don't expect anyone to have the same relationship with writing as I do - but stop raining on my parade, OK? It's a pretty cool parade, imho 😅

Nerd Church is going on break in December, and will be back on 12th January 2025

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  1. I don't know what professional writers think and how they feel about their writing, but...I can hardly imagine that even they see writing as just a career. At any rate, it isn't anybody's business to policy the way someone feels about their own craft. Last but not least, as you put it, "Surely if there is one thing in this oh-too-often-superficial life that we can romanticise, it's art, it's music, it's poetry, it's writing? Or are we simply not supposed to reach for meaning?" and the answers are YES and NO, in that order 👍.

    1. Lol, thanks! :)

      Yeah, it always surprises/irritates me when I come across these things online. I'm like... you don't have to feel the same way??? At all??? In fact, you can just... *not*??? Lol.

  2. I completely agree! Writing can be more than just a job – for some, it’s a calling, and that’s beautiful. Everyone’s relationship with writing is different, and that’s okay. Enjoy your break!


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