Sunday 20 October 2024

Nerd Church - That Time American Horror Story Made A Mini-Series About Writers...


Title: That Time American Horror Story Made A Mini-Series About Writers...

I love American Horror Story (AHS).

It's amazing, let's be honest.

I started watching a fair few years after the beginning, and started from said beginning - Murder House (as everyone should, imho,) - so haven't actually caught up yet.

I've just finished the Double Feature series -

which did totally confuse me at the switchover point because we suddenly moved from Red Tide to Death Valley with literally zero warning and there's no 'Double Feature' in the title sequences

 - so I was very the confused 😅

But it turns out this particular series was two mini-series, so - there we go!

Anywho, I wanted to talk about Red Tide because OH MY GOD I LOVED IT.

Harry from AHS: Red Tide crying over his own writing and saying 'it's so good'
Via Giphy

...Not so impressed by Death Valley, but I think that's at least partly because I love Red Tide so much.

And why wouldn't I? It's about writers!

Not just writers, of course - there's a couple of singers, visual artists, etc., hanging around the edges. But mostly: writers.

And partly it makes me laugh because the plot of a screenwriter who's facing writer's block is clearly based on... the screenwriters of AHS facing writer's block.

Like - this is self-insert my dudes. Don't try to lie to me!

I see it, and I respect your choices - but I really hope that that's where the similarities to your own real lives end, because otherwise we need to call the police and/or a priest 😅

It's hard to explain just how much I love this series.

The basic premise is this: jobbing screenwriter with writer's block goes to New England town over winter to get some peace and quiet, in which he can finally write the pilot for his big break - his own series.

The change of scene doesn't seem to help at first - until he meets some other writers, who let him in on a big secret, one which creates geniuses out of raw potential: the black pill.

...The memeage was not lost on my terminally online internet brain. 😅

Harry from AHS: Red Tide saying 'Why would she take the pill?'
Via Giphy

...Obviously, this is American Horror Story, and this is clearly too good to be true, so there are some pretty unpleasant consequences to this deal.

And since it's called 'Red Tide,' you can pretty much guarantee that blood and gore is going to play a big part of the series 😅 - I mean, again, it's AHS, so... lol.

I was just fascinated by the way it plays with the ideas of talent and creativity and so-called 'genius' - as well as the verging-on-ugly side of things.

...The relentless, ruthless, 'no matter what it takes' side of things.

I think it's a side that writers don't like to admit is there, a lot of the time. But it is. 

Although... while I understand the urge of what Harry -

(our sort-of main character, as much as AHS ever has a main character,) 

- wants to do, I've got to say that I would not be willing to take part in all or any of the messed-up sh** that's going on in this series 😅

There are so many points where I would just be like, 'Nope! F**k this sh**, I'm out.' 

Like, even early on, when inspiration hits and he ends up not leaving this messed-up town right now, even though his wife and daughter are in the car, because he absolutely has to write this sh** down.

You have a laptop and/or paper m'dude - write it down in the car, and make your wife drive! It's probably safer, given the pill-popping, anyway. 😅

Alma, the little girl from AHS: Red Tide saying 'it feels so good to be great at something' while looking creepy AF in the tradition of all kids in horror media
Via Giphy

I get it dude - writing is an exorcism sometimes, and who the hell can drive while expelling the words of the universe?

 ...But get the wife to drive. Yeah, she's pregnant, but she can drive (- either that, or I missed that detail somewhere along the way.) 

Or get a taxi? I mean, those are a thing which exists. 

And then you can go to town, while leaving town, with the tip-tip-tippity-tapping on the laptop keys in the back of the cab before things go past the point of no return. (Because things take... some turns, after this 😅)

I mean, for a creative genius, you're being really un-creative right now Harry 😎

I'd love to keep rambling about this, but I'm not planning on getting into spoiler territory in this post.

...I may or may not do a spoiler-filled post in future to talk about it more, so let me know if that's actually something you'd like to see.

This is one that all types of creatives will love, though (assuming they're horror fans - if not, maybe not!)

...Plus it has an episode which features Evan Peters in drag. #JustSaying.

Are you an AHS fan?

Have you seen Red Tide?!

Talk to me! 😎💬

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