Friday, 1 November 2024

Friday Fics Fix - We Got It All


'The people who know the Winter Soldier is rogue and hunting won’t exactly be shouting it from the rooftops, because telling people your pet murder machine has gone a little bit rabid on you is just the slightest bit bad for morale.'


Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

I'm cheating, this week.

I have rec'd this fic before - way back, in the ancient internet age of 2018 (and also in a few rec lists since then.)

But this fic means a lot, like... a lot.

Because I read it for self-care, and lord knows I've needed a lot of that lately. 

All in all, I must've read it through about four or five times - which given that it's novel length...

...yeah, I read this a lot.

It's one of my comfort reads - and the one I go back to the most often.

This is a Stucky fic, written in the good old days of 2016-2018.

...So it doesn't comply with any canon beyond Captain America: The Winter Soldier (CA: TWS) - including any of Sam's background, which varies from our glimpses in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (TFATWS), for example.

(Fandom notes:

Stucky = a romantic and/or sexual relationship between Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, aka the first Captain America, and the Winter Soldier.

Canon is the 'official' stuff in the book/film/whatever.)

Bucky and Steve walking in the '40s with 'Walk Close Beside Me' caption overlaid
Via Giphy

It's hard to describe this fic, other than the follow-up to CA: TWS we should've gotten.

I've got nothing against Civil War, but the fandom needed emotional payoff for Bucky, and Nazi-hunting payoff for the MCU, and this is it. 

(We also needed Stucky, because you don't take on the entire international community for your 'buddy' - but here we are.)

We got fun and humour -  

And we got light angst. 

We got hurt/comfort. 

We got romance. 

We got Bucky-freaking-Barnes reading romance novels as a form of self-care.

...We got it all.

(Fandom notes:

Hurt/Comfort (aka H/C) is a genre of fanfiction where a character is hurt and other characters comfort them. Because the people know what they want.)

And on a personal note:

If, by chance, the fic author ever finds their way here (because they do, from time to time, and it always surprises me,) - Thank You.

Thank you for this fic - from the bottom of my heart. 

It has helped get me through some of the toughest and most awful times of my life, and I doubt I'm the only one.

So, silentwalrus, whoever and wherever you are: thank you. Just - thank you. You'll never know how big an impact you've had.

Some Content Warnings for this one:

- PTSD inc. flashbacks (MAJOR WARNING)

- torture

- murder

- references to sexual assault/rape

- consent issues

- suicidal thoughts

- medical details

- serious injury and blood

- general violence

- memory problems always, I may have forgotten something, so please be careful.

This week's fic, then, is an old favourite:

Are there any fics that've stayed with you?

Any that've become comfort reads?

Talk to me! 😎💬

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Previous Friday Fics Fix Posts:

Sharing and commenting is uber-appreciated! 😊

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