Friday 4 October 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Lila, Klaus, and Ghosties

Now everyone is staring at Klaus, who had chosen to pick at a thread on the shawl he’s wearing. He looks up in the following silence, smiling.

“What can I say, the fans love me.”

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns


I'm currently reading The Umbrella Academy (TUA) fanfiction like there's no tomorrow... which given the current state of the world is a possibility, but let's move on...

So, I'm heavy on the TUA fanfics-reading at the moment.

...Especially the ones that play around with my favourite, fandom-specific, tropes.

I love the entire concept of fandom-specific tropes - it's beautiful.

I mean - it's a group of people so dedicated to a piece of art that they've come up with their own conventions and possibilities and variations around those characters and themes, that then other people can pick up and examine and explore and...

I love it.

Klaus Hargreeves running from ghosts in the cemetery
Via Giphy

So, anyway, one of my favourite fandom-specific tropes is where Klaus from TUA makes the ghosties visible in some way to his siblings and then they're like, 'holy sh**!'

(And I did not realise before I sat down to write this post, but apparently this is the same fic-author as the last time I rec'd this trope... so, good for them!)

Because some of us have been dealing with one invisible illness or another, in a conveyor belt of invisible illnesses, for over half of our lives and therefore relate a whole bunch... 😅

Just saying.

This fic deals with that trope - in a slightly different way.

Because it picks up another thing that I really wish they had done in the series - and gets Lila to mimic Klaus' power.

And she's traumatised now. Obviously. Because that sh** is scary, even for her.

It's well-written, interesting, and ticks my emo goblin spaghetti brain boxes.

...And what more could I ask for, really?

Content Warnings for this one:

- horror elements and gore (GRAPHIC)

- murder, death, injury, blood (GRAPHIC)

- drugs references (b/c Klaus)

- implied off-page rape and murder

- family issues (b/c Umbrella Academy) always, I might've forgotton something, so be careful!

This week's fic, then, is:

I Think I'm Feeling It Now Just Like You Did by guttermud

Are there any fandom-specific tropes you're fans of?

Any good TUA recs?

Talk to me! 😊💬

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