Friday 18 October 2024

Friday Fics Fix - 3 Novel-Ish Length Horror-Adjacent LGBTQ+ Fics For Spooky Season


It's October everyone!

So I thought we'd revisit 3 horror-adjacent* fics that are novel/novella length for this week's F3 - because I'm nice to you like that 😅

They also all turned out to be LGBTQ+, because fanfiction be like that.

*If it has a ghost, I'm counting it 😎

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

As always, remember to check the tags and the original rec'ing posts for Content Warnings and other details, like SPOILER status!

'His captain just looked sad, like he'd failed Izzy in some way.'

Via Giphy

In Another Form by CandleJam

OK - I rec this fic a lot, it's true.

This is an amazing Our Flag Means Death (OFMD) fic, which I will continue to rec for a long time to come, thank you very much!

Because it's that goddamn good.

...Whenever I think about fics that just totally absorbed me for the length of the read, I think of this fic. 

Izzy Hands is being haunted.

Izzy knows - and Buttons, weirdly, knows - that there's something not... quite... human... aboard the Revenge. Maybe it was once, but now? Now it's pretty effing dangerous.

The horror is really tense, the plot is unexpected, the characterisation is complex, and it's novel-length.

...Ahh, I love it. I might have to give it a re-read very soon 😎

Original rec'ing post here

'"So that's six ghosts, then. Six angry, murderous ghosts."

"Yeah," Duke said. The foundations of his anger had washed away, and now he just looked tired.'

So Stay With Me and I'll Have It Made by bellatemple is a Fix-It fic for the TV show Haven.

Haven was a gothicky, horror-y, sci-fi (and SyFy,) series which ran between 2010 and 2015.

(Fandom notes:

Fix-It fics 'fix' things that the fic author (or large swathes of fandom,) disagree with from the canon (i.e. source material.))

There are some TV series which are truly amazing... until the ending.

Sometimes the ending just isn't up to scratch. Which is where Fix-It fics come in.

Duke Crocker is forever my favourite Haven character - an angsty bad-boy with a soft heart who's played by a very pretty dude? What's not to love, really?

...Duke's also hard-done-by at the end of series. 

*Shakes head* - so much unfulfilled emotional pay-off potential.

Never mind the final episode, the final season of Haven doesn't do right by Duke. And this fic seeks to fix that exact problem.

And, because this is fanfiction, it also makes both Duke and another character, Dwight, Bi - and gives them some M/M romance.

It works, OK?

Original rec'ing post

'“This isn’t some true-crime podcast, alright?” 
Sam blinks again, taken aback by the sudden anger in Bucky’s tone. He opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again to ask, “Who taught you about podcasts?”'

Bucky: That's not a thing. Sam: That's definitely a thing.
Via Giphy

This is a SamBucky haunted house fic called you know i didn't want to (have to haunt you) by dharmainitiative

If I had a nickel for every time I've rec'd SamBucky where Bucky is the ghost haunting a house, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice (I talk about the other one here, btw.)

(Fandom notes: 

SamBucky is a romantic and/or sexual relationship between Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes from the MCU (Marvel movies & TV shows,) sometimes known as WinterFalcon.)

Nebula (yes, from Guardians of the Galaxy - her girlfriend in this is Mantis, and I love it,) owns a house that she would very much like real estate agent Sam Wilson to sell for her. 

The problem is that it comes with a supernatural resident - one Bucky Barnes - and he's Not Leaving. (Stubborn-a** ghost.)

This is over 100 pages of ghostly fun... enjoy!

Original rec'ing post here

Do you love longer fanfics?

Do you ever write a list of fanfiction and then realise they're all Queer in some way? 😅

Talk to me! 😁💬

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