Sunday 29 September 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: You Don't Have To Publish Everything


Warning: brief discussions of Anxiety/mental health issues

Title: You Don't Have To Publish Everything

This is a reminder to any of you fellow writers/bloggers/whoever-s out there who need it:


You don't have to post everything.

You don't have to publish everything.

Some things can just be for you.

Yes, even if you finish it.

Yes, even if you're scrambling for content.

Yes, even if you don't know why you don't want to post it.

I do this a lot - for a whole variety of reasons.

Maybe something looks ready but isn't. Maybe it still needs some work, even if you can't figure out how.

Maybe something just feels too personal. 

Maybe it's not personal but I just want it to be... mine... for a little while longer, before it's set out into the big wide world.

Maybe it just doesn't feel right to post it.

...We're writers -

yes, bloggers, content creators, etc. you too - you write stuff, you're a writer; don't make me go through this again

- we therefore have the right (write, lol,) to be a little goddamn quirky from time to time.

I'm not saying to never hit 'post' when you're uncertain - I've done it plenty of times, and rarely regretted it - I'm saying to listen to your gut.

If something doesn't feel right, maybe just give it a little extra time - some space to breathe, to look at things from a different headspace.

You might decide, ultimately, to go for it. To post that thing, after all.

Lord knows, I have battled Anxiety and made myself post things before now, and been so happy that I went for it.

But that little extra breathing space can be a lifesaver both for making the decision, and then not panicking about the decision.

Push yourself, by all means, but go at your own pace, not at the pace you think you 'should' be going.

And don't allow anyone - even yourself - to pressure you into posting/publishing/whatever when you're really not comfortable or happy with it.

(And I know this advice seems slightly contradictory, but such is life. It's a weird, contradictory, thing - and I'm a walking contradiction all by myself, so we're all just gonna have to deal with it 😅)

And remember: you don't have to justify your choices to anyone

It's your work, your creation - no-one else has a right to it.

(And yes, I did write this post as advice to myself, and then post it on the Internet. Again. But it was because I wanted to, not because I 'should' 😎😅)

Did this make any sense?

Do you ever hold things back from posting/publishing/whatever-ing?

Talk to me! 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovinFor more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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  1. "...We're writers -

    yes, bloggers, content creators, etc. you too - you write stuff, you're a writer; don't make me go through this again

    - we therefore have the right (write, lol,) to be a little goddamn quirky from time to time."

    We are, and we do!


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!