Sunday 22 September 2024

Nerd Church - Prioritise Small Steps


...brought to you by me, once again, giving myself a pep-talk and posting it on the internet 😅💪

Title: Prioritise Small Steps. Background: rainbow animal print, because I'm somehow subtle and extra at the same time

Listen, the world is rough and tough and kind of awful sometimes. 

It feels like everything is crashing and burning and we live in a frankly batpoop timeline.

But the stuff we can do? Is the small steps.

And we just keep making those small steps until we realise we can get through the dark, the storm, climb the mountain, reach the peak, and whatever other cliched imagery you want to add here.

Putting the small steps together makes the big things happen.

I know, I know, I know - it doesn't feel like it.

When the world is crushing you with it's ickiness, 'do one thing' feels like a pointless mantra made by those pointless toxic positivity people who are always chirping away because they don't actually understand anything...

...And sometimes it is. Sometimes things suck too much to placate yourself with empty 'feel good' messages. 

And sometimes people can use otherwise-good advice in situations where it's not helping Chelsea!

(I don't know who Chelsea is, by the way, but my brain is apparently angry at her 😅)

BUT - we keep going, my dearest darling nerdlets.

Because even if something sucks too bad to really fix - and there's a lot of that going around, I don't lie here on Dora Reads - the way to make it through the sh**ty period with at least some hope, is to focus on those small steps.

Where there's life there's hope, I promise.

So do the tiny thing.

One itty-bitty thing you can do every day.

One thing cleaned or tidied in my bedroom, no matter how teensy, means that the overall dumpster-chic I've got going on never truly tips over into a world-ending landfill-site. 

(...It gets close sometimes - but that's entropy for you! I'm out here battling cosmic forces, m'k?)

One sentence of my ever-in-progress novel typed up on my laptop means that I am thousands of words ahead of where I would otherwise be. (Albeit, still not sure I'll ever finish this...)

Hitting the 'new post' button, even if I save an empty draft, takes me one tiny step closer to a finished blogpost.

Will it be sunshine and rainbows and suddenly become magically easy? No. I'm sorry, but no.

Life is hard. Life is complicated. I'm not sugar-coating anything, because that won't help anyone.

It's not going to magically become plain-sailing just because you take a tiny step every day (or even try to - trying effing counts in my book! Sometimes it's the hardest part.)

It's hard. Some days it's so damn hard. 

But going for that low-hanging fruit - the stuff that you can do, even if it feels like such a tiny, tiny, thing - is what's gonna keep you going.

You can survive on the low-hanging fruit, y'know? It's what stops you from starving, and gives you enough energy to reach the higher branches if and when you need to.

Progress is progress, no matter how slow it is.

(...and sometimes, even stasis is progress, because of our old pal entropy.)

And sometimes, if you're lucky, it'll even get a little easier as time goes by.

(...for a day or two, anyway 😅)

So, are you with me on this?

Do you value the small steps?

Talk to me! 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovinFor more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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  1. "You can survive on the low-hanging fruit, y'know? It's what stops you from starving, and gives you enough energy to reach the higher branches if and when you need to."
    I love this analogy.


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!