Sunday 1 September 2024

Micropoetry From A Whole Bunch Of Months

...Specifically: October 2023 + December 2023 + April 2024 + August 2024

Yes, I know this is a weird combination of months.

Honestly? I kept forgetting to make the graphics, and it just ended up this way 😅

Those with screen readers - the poetry is in the alt-text of the graphics, with forward slash marks for line breaks

19th October // Gather up your children / Humanity, they are your own // Violence, / malice, / greed, / hatred // Gather them now / - they venture home // You will never outrun / This foul offspring, / The pain which you have wrought // These tarnishes are ours, / The prize that we were taught

dividing line

4th December // I don't wanna be strong / any more; /- please don't make me. // I caught you so / many times before... / Each time it breaks me.

dividing line
12th December // I can get more done / in five minutes / than others can / in years / but I'm gonna need a / break / of at least fifteen / in-between
dividing line
17th April // Grief shrieks / are a / fund- / a- / mental / dis- / a- / gree- / ment / with a cruel / reality

dividing line

19th August // She sings drawn-out songs / of yesterdays and tomorrows / in bars with worn-out keys / and old men drown their sorrows / as she sings of what-may-be's

If you want to pay the poet, I have a digital tip jar here ðŸ’–

So, what do you think?
Talk to me! 💖💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovinFor more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Poetry Posts:

Sharing and commenting is super-appreciated! 😊


  1. Replies
    1. Yay! :) They're usually little snatches of verse that get stuck in my head and won't leave me alone until I unleash them on the world somewhere - in this case, Twitter, then here! Lol.

  2. I really liked your second poem, Cee!

    1. Aw, thank you Em! <3 That one was more personal than it probably should be (lol.)


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!