Your resource for all things bookish diversity is back!
Welcome to the 9th (Hell yeah!) Bookish Diversity Link List, 2024.
Given how bad my 2023 was, I'm happy I managed to keep last year's list going.
I still think there's need for a resource which points to cool and good quality diverse bookish things - even if I sometimes struggle to add as much to it as I'd like.
Looking at the world as a whole, I'd say we def. need to keep championing the marginalised and diverse communities and voices wherever possible. Because garbage fire. 😅
So, here I am, once again, doing my small bit to keep things moving forward. I hope you find it useful.
Just like with the original link list, it'll start small and continue to grow throughout the year.
Once again, my (hopefully achievable) aim* is to get at least one link for EVERY category - so if you can help out, check out the info. below!
*(I've never managed it, but a girl can dream)
So what counts?
Well, a variety of stuff, but just as an example:
Some stuff that DOESN'T count:
For more info, see the 2016 list which has more details, or just ask - I don't bite!
I really do need your help - this is literally hours of work.
You can submit links via this spreadsheet - no spam, please.
I'm not responsible for 3rd party content, or for the books the links recommend.
If there's a problem with any link - broken link or concerning content etc. - just let me know in the comments below
This post is 100% FREE for all, but if you would like to support me, Dora Reads, and the Link List, you can buy me a coffee here.
Lit-erally Black - blog dedicated to books by Black authors
The Brown Bookshelf - blog devoted to African American kids literature (inc. YA)
Theytus Books - Indigenous publishing house, First Nations-owned
All Our Worlds - Diverse Fantastic Fiction - a resource for diverse Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Speculative fiction
Bookish Brews Featured Bookshelf: Recent Book Releases - section of Amanda's Bookish Brews devoted to highlighting recent diverse releases - the books featured change with time
Diverse Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books - Absolutely awesome section of Kristen Burns' Metaphors and Moonlight blog, containing lists of books, discussion posts, and resources
Let's Fox About It (Books Section) - Culture & media site founded by the wonderful Ceillie Simkiss
We Need Diverse Books (YouTube Channel)
American Indians in Children's Literature - excellent blog run by Debbie Reese looking at representation of Native Americans, especially in children's books
The Lesbrary - blog focussed on lesbian and F/F books
The Lesbian Review (Book Section) - reviews, top 10s, book club, etc. of F/F books
The Lesbrary - blog focussed on lesbian and F/F books
American Indians in Children's Literature - excellent blog run by Debbie Reese looking at representation of Native Americans, especially in children's books
Black Lesbian Literary Collective
Latinxs in Kid Lit - blog focussed on Latinx rep in YA, MG, and other kids' books
Rich In Color - website dedicated to YA by or about People of Colour (PoCs) and Indigenous Peoples
Romance Novels in Color - blog about romance novels featuring People of Colour
The Brown Bookshelf - blog devoted to African American kids literature (inc. YA)
WOCreads - Bina's excellent blog: 'reading & reviewing works by women of color'
Reading Zimbabwe
(also see Mental Illness/Mental Health, Non Neuro-Typical/Neuro-diverse/Autistic Spectrum, and Learning Disabilities)
Disabled and Neurodivergent Books and Comics out in 2024! - Ongoing list from Heather @ Just Geeking By
AICL's Year In Review for 2023 - review from American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL) of books from 2023; includes specific Tribal Nation information for authors of books listed.
(also see Indigenous Peoples and People of Colour (PoC))
Recent Must-Read Fiction Set in Nigeria - Book Riot list from Erica Ezeifedi
So what counts?
Well, a variety of stuff, but just as an example:
- Discussion blogposts
- Lists of authors
- Lists of diverse books
- Goodreads lists
- Articles about diverse books
Some stuff that DOESN'T count:
- Book reviews (although link-ups and lists of reviews are acceptable, this isn't a place for individual reviews)
- Amazon/Goodreads etc. links to individual books
- Non-bookish stuff
- Spam
For more info, see the 2016 list which has more details, or just ask - I don't bite!
I really do need your help - this is literally hours of work.
You can submit links via this spreadsheet - no spam, please.
I'm not responsible for 3rd party content, or for the books the links recommend.
If there's a problem with any link - broken link or concerning content etc. - just let me know in the comments below
This post is 100% FREE for all, but if you would like to support me, Dora Reads, and the Link List, you can buy me a coffee here.
Previous Link Lists
African Nationalities
The Brown Bookshelf - blog devoted to African American kids literature (inc. YA)
Sistahs on the Shelf - Black Lesbian book blog
Disability in Kidlit - website dedicated to representations of disability (inc. mental illness, learning disabilities, and non-neuro-typical people,) in Young Adult and Middle Grade (kids') books
Living Traditions Writers Group - Canadian blog & website dedicated to an Indigenous writers' group
Disability in Kidlit - website dedicated to representations of disability (inc. mental illness, learning disabilities, and non-neuro-typical people,) in Young Adult and Middle Grade (kids') books
First Nations
Theytus Books - Indigenous publishing house, First Nations-owned
All Our Worlds - Diverse Fantastic Fiction - a resource for diverse Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Speculative fiction
Bookish Brews - blog from Amanda, focussed on Diverse books, authors, and characters. Decolonize your bookshelf!
Diverse Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books - Absolutely awesome section of Kristen Burns' Metaphors and Moonlight blog, containing lists of books, discussion posts, and resources
Let's Fox About It (Books Section) - Culture & media site founded by the wonderful Ceillie Simkiss
We Need Diverse Books (YouTube Channel)
Indigenous Peoples
Living Traditions Writers Group - Canadian blog & website dedicated to an Indigenous writers' group
Theytus Books - Indigenous publishing house, First Nations-owned
Latinxs in Kid Lit - blog focussed on Latinx rep in YA, MG, and other kids' books
The Lesbian Review (Book Section) - reviews, top 10s, book club, etc. of F/F books
Latinxs in Kid Lit - blog focussed on Latinx rep in YA, MG, and other kids' books
Lesbian (and Sapphic/WLW)
Sistahs on the Shelf - Black Lesbian book blog
The Lesbrary - blog focussed on lesbian and F/F books
The Lesbrary Goodreads Project - Lesbrary Goodreads lists
Black Lesbian Literary Collective
Casey The Canadian Lesbrarian - book blog with a focus on Canadian Queer lit
Sistahs on the Shelf - Black Lesbian book blog
The Lesbian Review (Book Section) - reviews, top 10s, book club, etc. of F/F books
The Lesbrary - blog focussed on lesbian and F/F books
The Lesbrary Goodreads Project - Lesbrary Goodreads lists
Native Americans
American Indians in Children's Literature - excellent blog run by Debbie Reese looking at representation of Native Americans, especially in children's books
People of Colour (PoCs) (UK - Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME))
Latinxs in Kid Lit - blog focussed on Latinx rep in YA, MG, and other kids' books
Lit-erally Black - blog dedicated to books by Black authors
Rich In Color - website dedicated to YA by or about People of Colour (PoCs) and Indigenous Peoples
Romance Novels in Color - blog about romance novels featuring People of Colour
Sistahs on the Shelf - Black Lesbian book blog
The Brown Bookshelf - blog devoted to African American kids literature (inc. YA)
WOCreads - Bina's excellent blog: 'reading & reviewing works by women of color'
Zimbabwean Nationality
(also see Mental Illness/Mental Health, Non Neuro-Typical/Neuro-diverse/Autistic Spectrum, and Learning Disabilities)
Indigenous Peoples
(also see People of Colour (PoC) and International/World-Lit/Geography-categorised)Turtle Island Indigenous People (US and Canada)
AICL's Year In Review for 2023 - review from American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL) of books from 2023; includes specific Tribal Nation information for authors of books listed.
International/World Lit/Geography-categorised
(not including Europe, US, Canada, Aus & NZ)(also see Indigenous Peoples and People of Colour (PoC))
African (ethnicities and nationalities)
The Best Historical Fiction Set in Nigeria - Book Riot list from Erica Ezeifedi
8 of The Best Japanese Authors That You’ve Never Heard Of - Book Riot list from Yashvi Peeti
Asian (ethnicities and nationalities)
Caribbean (ethnicities and nationalities)
8 Essential YA Books for Hispanic Heritage Month - Book Riot list of Latine/x and Caribbean YA from Carolina Ciucci
East Asian (ethnicities and nationalities)
8 of The Best Japanese Authors That You’ve Never Heard Of - Book Riot list from Yashvi Peeti
Nigerian (ethnicities and nationality)
Recent Must-Read Fiction Set in Nigeria - Book Riot list from Erica Ezeifedi
The Best Historical Fiction Set in Nigeria - Book Riot list from Erica Ezeifedi
Japanese (ethnicity and nationality)
2024 Lambda Literary (Lammy) Winners - LGBTQ+ book awards
Celebrate Pride with These New Queer BIPOC Books! - List from Erica Ezeifedi @ Book Riot
Fave Five: LGBTQ Horror Novellas - List from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
Happy Latinx Heritage Month 2024! - List (of LGBTQ+ Latinx books) from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
Empowering LGBTQ+ Self-Improvement and Wellness Books - List from Susie Dumond @ Book Riot
LGBTQ Romantasy Books - List from Rachel Brittain @ Book Riot
PRIDE MONTH SPOTLIGHT: GRAPHIC NOVELS - List from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ ReadsQueer YA from 2023 You Might Have Missed - List from Laura Sackton @ Book Riot
NEW RELEASES: JANUARY 2024 - List from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
The Best and Buzziest LGBTQ Fantasy Books of 2024 (So Far) - List from Danika Ellis @ Book Riot
100 books with lesbian characters for Lesbian Visibility Week - wide-ranging list from the blog of Sapphic author Jae
11 of the Best Memoirs by Transgender and Nonbinary Authors - Book Riot list from CJ Connor
Fave Five: Adult F/NB Romances - list from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
10 Sapphic YA Books Feat. Women of Colour for #Pride - list from Lou Morgan
20 Must-Read Sapphic Fantasy Books - List from Danika Ellis @ Book Riot
Fave Five: Queer Female MCs with ADHD - list from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
Disabled and Neurodivergent Books and Comics out in 2024! - Ongoing list from Heather @ Just Geeking By
(also see Indigenous Peoples and International/World-Lit/Geography-categorised)
Recent Must-Read Fiction Set in Nigeria - Book Riot list from Erica Ezeifedi
8 of The Best Japanese Authors That You’ve Never Heard Of - Book Riot list from Yashvi Peeti
New YA Books By Asian American and Pacific Islander Authors - Book Riot list from Summer Loomis
10 Essential Black Middle Grade Authors To Read Every Month Of The Year - List from Margaret Kingsbury @ Book Riot
100 Essential New Works of Fiction by Black Authors - Goodreads blog list from Cybil
8 Essential YA Books for Hispanic Heritage Month - Book Riot list of Latine/x and Caribbean YA from Carolina Ciucci
Happy International Nonbinary Day 2024! - list from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
FAVE FIVE: MG/YA WITH AGENDER MCS - list from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
HAPPY PAN VISIBILITY DAY 2024! - list of books with Pansexual rep., compiled by Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
Sapphic and/or WLW
100 books with lesbian characters for Lesbian Visibility Week - wide-ranging list from the blog of Sapphic author Jae
Happy International Nonbinary Day 2024! - list from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
Trans Historical Fiction Books - List from Rachel Brittain @ Book Riot
Fave Five: Queer Female MCs with ADHD - list from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
Fave Five: Adult F/NB Romances - list from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
FAVE FIVE: MG/YA WITH AGENDER MCS - list from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
Non Neuro-Typical/Neuro-diverse/Autistic Spectrum
(see also Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, and Mental Illness/Mental Health)ADHD
Fave Five: Queer Male MCs with ADHD - list from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
(Black, Indigenous and) People of Colour ((BI)PoC)
(UK - Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME))
African (ethnicities and nationalities)
The Best Historical Fiction Set in Nigeria - Book Riot list from Erica Ezeifedi
Asian (ethnicities and nationalities)
New YA Books By Asian American and Pacific Islander Authors - Book Riot list from Summer Loomis
AAPI (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders)
East Asian (ethnicities and nationalities)
8 of The Best Japanese Authors That You’ve Never Heard Of - Book Riot list from Yashvi Peeti
Recent Must-Read Fiction Set in Nigeria - Book Riot list from Erica Ezeifedi
The Best Historical Fiction Set in Nigeria - Book Riot list from Erica Ezeifedi
BIPOC Beach Reads - List from Erica Ezeifedi @ Book Riot
Magical BIPOC Reads - Book Riot list from Erica Ezeifedi
Caribbean (ethnicities and nationalities)
8 Essential YA Books for Hispanic Heritage Month - Book Riot list of Latine/x and Caribbean YA from Carolina Ciucci
10 Sapphic YA Books Feat. Women of Colour for #Pride - list from Lou Morgan
Celebrate Pride with These New Queer BIPOC Books! - List from Erica Ezeifedi @ Book Riot
Japanese (ethnicity and nationality)
8 of The Best Japanese Authors That You’ve Never Heard Of - Book Riot list from Yashvi Peeti
Happy Latinx Heritage Month 2024! - List (of LGBTQ+ Latinx books) from Dahlia Adler @ LGBTQ Reads
Just How Much Has LGBTQ+ Representation Grown in Middle Grade In The Last Half Decade? - discussion from Rachel Rosenberg @ Book Riot
Women of Colour (WoC)
10 Sapphic YA Books Feat. Women of Colour for #Pride - list from Lou Morgan
Discussion Posts
As always, I'll do what I can to help, Cee! (I am also not opposed to you nudging me as a reminder. So many times I read something cool and just completely forget to post it to the spreadsheet lol).
ReplyDeleteLol, thanks Em! :)
DeleteGood luck with the list, and I'm going to give it a bit of exposure in my next monthly recap!
ReplyDeleteThank youuu! :)
DeleteI am so happy to find this! I was hoping to do something like it myself when I had the chance, but considering my health that was going to be a long time coming.
ReplyDeleteI have a list of Disabled and Neurodivergent books and comics out in 2024 -, and I'm posting shoutout posts each month.
I also had a 2023 list and the link can be found in that post if you want to add it to your 2023 list.
Awesome! Thank you so much!!!! :)
DeleteHave added your link to the submission form ( and will get to it shortly - feel free to add any more you might have! :)