Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Month in Review(s) - August 2021


August was a month where I had multiple migraines, so that sucks.

But it also was NOT meltingly hot (unlike the first days of September...) so I'll take that! πŸ˜…

I know some people were complaining that the skies were dull and not as sunshiney as August normally is, but honestly, if the temperature stays down then I don't care!

(Me + Heat = Angry Bear! Lol.)

August - Awst

So most of my month was spent trying to balance migraine pain, exhaustion, and sensory issues, with actually working and doing stuff.

Which I think I more or less managed to do in a healthy way - mostly by constantly reminding myself not to over-work and to pace myself. 

Apologies if you've noticed me mentioning that repeatedly across my blogposts - it's my version of sticking a note to my forehead πŸ˜…

(I also wrote an entire blogpost about it, because that is what I do, apparently. *Shrugs*)

Honestly? I was kind of expecting the migraine-fest, because my migraines are linked to changes in stress levels (both positive and negative) and it's less than three months since I lost my Nan.

...So, lots of ups-and-downs = higher possibility of migraines.

It's also more likely that I'll have a migraine if I've recently had a migraine - they kind of create a domino effect - so if I had one, then often I'll have more.

On the plus side, my mother feels the need to check the physical world for pink blobs when I tell her I can see them (visual abnormalities are a feature of migraine-with-aura,) so that made me laugh πŸ˜‚

I'm actually quite happy with the blogposts I managed to write this month.

Which is always good because I am eternally self-critical! 

I hope you enjoy them too, dearest nerdlets.

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Most Popular Posts

1. The Diverse Books Tag

2. Graphic Novels With Latinx Main Character/s

3. My 7 Top Picks of 2016's Books

4. Nerd Church - The World Is On Fire

5. Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Musings on Medium (And Blogging In General)

6. Nerd Church - Battling My Puritanical Work Ethic (And Society, I Guess)

7. Month in Review(s) - July 2021

8. Friday Fics Fix - Loki, Gender, and the TVA (Fandom Is Here For It)

9. Friday Fics Fix - A SamBucky Rec List

10. Nerd Church - Witch-Hunts and Fear: The Emotional Maturity of ParaNorman

...I have no idea why some posts from 2016 did so well in August, but Google Analytics (which usually thinks all traffic is spam traffic) agreed with blogger, so *shrugs* - hope you enjoyed!

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Non-Review Posts

Friday Fics Fix

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Loki, Gender, and the TVA (Fandom Is Here For It) - exploring Loki's Gender-Fluid ID

A SamBucky Rec List - in this house, Bucky Barnes is Queer af

Road Trip With Steve Rogers - A random Marvel fic with awesome vibes

An Umbrella Novella - going back to The Umbrella Academy with Five-focussed fanfiction

Nerd Church

Witch-Hunts and Fear: The Emotional Maturity of ParaNorman - taking a look at one of my animated faves' hidden depths

The Writer Diaries: Musings on Medium (and Blogging in General) - discussing using the Medium blogging/writing platform

The World Is On Fire - and we need to do something

Battling My Puritanical Work Ethic (and Society, I Guess) - struggling with over-working

Reasons I Didn't Review Your Book - Yes I'm a book blogger. No, I don't review everything I read.

Other Non-Review Posts

Month in Review(s) - July 2021

Micropoetry - April + July 2021

So that's my August, how was yours?

Talk to me! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’¬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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  1. Big hug to you. Recovering from grief is always really hard, and so much harder when you've also got migraines. Miserable! My August was very hot and I'm delighted to see the back of it, hoping for slightly more pleasant temperatures as we round the corner into September.

    1. Thank you <3

      August was great here but now it's ridiculously hot again *sighs*

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your migraines, Cee :( But, kudos to you for still managing to get posts out despite your health issues. I know sitting in front of a screen when your head is hurting is so tough, you're a superhero!

    This might be a duplicate comment. When I posted the other one, the blogger logo appeared with the sentence: whoops there's an error! Apologies in advance lol.

    1. This seems to be the only copy of the comment *shrugs* - maybe there *was* an error!

      Thanks Em <3 you rock! <3 <3 :)

  3. "(Me + Heat = Angry Bear! Lol.)"
    Same! I can't function in the heat. It also enhances some old age problems like my legs hurting. Well, on the plus side, I don't suffer from migraines! I hope you're feeling better lately. And you still managed to craft a lot of posts, so (quoting Emily above) you're a superhero!

    That pink blob line made me chuckle.

    1. Heat sucks *nods sagely*

      No migraine atm (fingers crossed) but I'm def. not out of the cluster yet!

      Ha, you and Em are too nice, really. Thank you. <3

      My mother is impressive, to be honest. Lol. <3

  4. I'm so sorry you had horrible migraines in August. I'm hoping I never have them--my husband gets them and must hide undercover in a dark, silent room for hours before he can function. Your mom sounds like a fun, supportive lady. I hope September has gone well for you--October is almost here and I'm shaking my head at the speed of time.

    1. September's been quite migraine-y too, unfortunately. My mam is... unique! Lol. <3


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!