Please and thank you. #Don'tSpoilTheEndgame
But despair not! I have some ultra-interesting vids and links to fulfil all your superhero-nerd-itches! (Well... maybe not *all* of 'em - there's enough weird sh** on the Internet without me adding to it!)
Film Trailers
I'm avoiding the new Spidey trailer on account of Tom Holland telling me there's spoilers (which is so ironic...) so I skipped right on to the new li'l Dark Phoenix trailer!
I love the flash of Nightcrawler's fangs we get here! 👍
(Warning: flashing images)
Other Stuff
I'm avoiding the new Spidey trailer on account of Tom Holland telling me there's spoilers (which is so ironic...) so I skipped right on to the new li'l Dark Phoenix trailer!
I love the flash of Nightcrawler's fangs we get here! 👍
(Warning: flashing images)
Other Stuff
Just for you, dearest nerdlets, I have some awesome graphic novel reviews from some awesome bloggers:
- Kristen reviews Letters for Lucardo, Vol 2 on Metaphors & Moonlight
- Neha reviews Satoko and Nada Vol 1 at Biblio Nyan
(Warning: v. mild flashing images, SPOILERS for pre-Endgame Marvel movies)
Run-time: 17.17

And to finish off this week is Claudia Boleyn's fascinating video on how The Umbrella Academy deals with the fallout of child abuse and trauma.
(Warning: MAJOR SPOILERS, deep discussion of: childhood abuse/neglect, trauma, emotional issues, substance abuse and addiction, pseudo-incest, and general family issues.)
Run-time: 34.07
Do you like analysis of media through different lenses?
Are you looking forward to Dark Phoenix?
Talk to me! ❤💬
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Sharing and commenting is awesome-sauce! 😄
'Running away and hiding with you, I never thought they'd get me here' is from Early Sunsets Over Monroeville* by My Chemical Romance
*affiliate link
Last updated: 23rd May
Haven’t watched the Spider-Man trailer either and it’s KILLING ME. Although, I’m pretty sure a lot of Endgame has been spoiled for me already :(
ReplyDeleteGeneral internet chatter has *suggested* some spoilers to me - but not in enough detail for me to be sure, luckily.
DeleteThat sucks *hugs* if it's any consolation, a kid in our school shouted out spoilers to the Half-Blood Prince the week the book came out, I just told myself he might be making up sh** (he wasn't, but telling myself that helped! Lol.)