Friday, 1 March 2019

Friday Fics Fix - Magical Matilda

'Her lips pursed into a nearly invisible line. β€œAnd I feel obligated to let you know that Wormwood is a Wizarding name, while Honey most certainly is not.”'

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Dydd GΕ΅yl Dewi Sant Hapus/Happy St. David's Day!

St. David is the patron saint of Wales - he doesn't have as interesting a story as Santes Dwynwen, he basically faffed around founding churches and doing the odd miracle here and there - but it gives me an excuse for a Welsh connection to this post!

(And you probably know that any excuse to include Wales in a post is good enough for me!)

So this week I'm rec'ing fanfiction based on a Welsh writer's popular creation.

This week's fic is based on Roald Dahl's Matilda.

Bookish folks, you are welcome! 😎

Matilda making cereal move across a table with her eyes

Yep. You got it.

This fic crosses Matilda with Harry Potter.

Again, you're welcome. 😎

This fic is also written really well - I swear to God I never knew I needed a Professor-McGonagall-Miss-Honey conversation before!

It's totally awesome! I'm so glad this fic exists, to be honest! πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š

This week's fic, then, is:

Matilda with books flying around her

What do you think of Matilda at Hogwarts?
Would you like to see Miss Honey meet Professor McGonagall?
Talk to me! πŸ’–πŸ’¬

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Related Reading:

Sharing and commenting is totally awesome and I love you! 😘


  1. I feel like I am the only person in the world who doesn’t like Matilda. *gasp* I know, but I have never had any desire to read it and it does not seem interesting to me at all.

    1. *gasps* I love it sooo much! Lol. But then, I think it def. has an appeal to bookish kids - girls in particular! :)

  2. Oh now this sounds good! I haven't read anything by Roald Dahl in ages!


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