Now, if you've read my Friday posts before, you'll probably know I have a Loki obsession.
I make no apologies for this, and Loki will be here this week. I'm most definitely both one of Loki's Goddesses/Army, and a Hiddlestoner.
(Fangirl note: In case somehow you don't know, the Loki fandom is referred to as Loki's Goddesses and/or Loki's Army (as in: I have an army - of fangirls.)
The Tom Hiddleston fandom, which contains a lot of the same
I think this is because fangirls have
I unapologetically approve of the nuttiness of both. So many naked Tom gifs. So very many.)
So, any Loki fans among you will utterly adore this week's fic- and I just love that it's tagged on AO3 with 'so fluffy you could stuff a plushie with it.'
That's when you know it's gonna be good ;)
So, this Friday's piece of fanfiction, for your pleasure (but with no sex - for once,) is:
Soft Loki, Sleepy Loki, Little Ball of Cuddles by Atypical Owl
It's cute, it's funny, it's fluffy, there's a dash of angst, and Loki sleepwalks and ends up cuddling with various Avengers. It verges on crack in places, but in the cutest of ways.
(Fangirl note: Crack fiction is a fic that is so very random, that the only possible deduction is that the person who wrote it was on drugs.)
Honestly guys, you'll love it. I spoil you ;)
Like this post? Try these:
- Friday Fics Fix! - Love and Loki
- Friday Fics Fix! (In Which the Blogger Falls Off the FrostIron Wagon)
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