Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Blogging Insecurities

A couple of days ago I came across Chasing Faerytales' post on the 'Insecurities of a Book Blogger.'

It's a fab post and you should check it out if you can.

So, anywho, it got me thinking about my own blogging insecurities, and, well - I can't be letting you guys have all the fun/crippling anxiety, can I?

computer keyboard

Here they are then, my own blogging insecurities:

  • No-one will care what I have to say: who am I after all? Just some random Welsh chick with a laptop. Who would care about my opinion?

  • I'm socially awkward: have you noticed my comments are a little... stilted sometimes? I have no idea what to say, or even whether I need to say anything. I resort to short answers and smiley faces in an attempt to let you know that I do appreciate you taking the time to talk to me - I just have no idea what to say to you.

  • The quality of my writing is no good: I know that this isn't true - but sometimes, I can't help wondering... do people like reading my blogposts? Are my reviews any good?

  • ARCs - specifically, getting round to reading everything I said I would: I have a habit of underestimating myself, and stressing the small stuff unnecessarily - it's all linked in with my depression and anxiety issues. So if I request a lot of ARCs, and somehow manage time and again to get approved, I have a small freak-out about how quickly I'm supposed to read them. I keep forgetting that there's no supposed to about it. After all, I purposefully avoid blog tours so that I don't have to deal with deadlines.

  • Being overly-unique: this makes no sense. I know this makes no sense. But I've noticed that the majority of book bloggers either have kids, a job, a spouse, etc., or are teenagers. I'm neither of these things. And while I know that that gives me a unique spin on life, the universe, and everything, sometimes it feels like you won't be able to relate to me and my opinions because you're just at a completely different place in your life to where I am in mine. Plus, I'm weird - you know this, I know this, we all know this ;)

  • Not making money/being judged for trying to make money: I know this is a touchy subject blogging-wise, but I need income. I'm self-employed, and it's important to me that I get income wherever I can so that eventually I can be financially separate from my parents, just for a start. So, yeah, I have Amazon associate links for the UK and US - not because I'm a sell-out, but because I damn-well need the small amount of commission they provide if people buy things.

So, there you have it. Hopefully I didn't sound overly-neurotic, and you all still like me ;) You know I try to be truthful and open wherever possible (it's even one of my New Year's resolutions,) so, y'know, all that jazz...

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  1. Pssshh you have no reason to be insecure. Screw what other people might think!

  2. Don't worry about a thing! We all have those times when we wonder if anyone really cares, but then I look at comments (specifically how lovely yours always are) and it makes me feel validated. You do you Cee :)

    1. thank you! :) you write some very nice comments yourself ;)

  3. I totally get everything you said here, except for maybe the being too unique thing! I think that you being unique is AWESOME! I honestly feel like I'm just a tiny blip on the blogging community because I fit into some of those categories!
    And I always worry about comments toooo! Sometimes I'm like ??? how do people write decent comments? Am I being too enthusiastic? Lots of anxiety with commenting for me >.<
    Nice pose, Cee! <3

    1. Ha, thanks :) glad to know someone likes my unique-ness :) and I'm sure you're pretty damn unique yourself - your own opinions and all that jazz :) Yes, commenting is hard! Like right now... I'm pretty sure I sound like the most awkward commenter in the world - and I just accidentally deleted half my comment and can't remember what I said. Oh yeah, this is going well (rolls eyes at own technological failings.)Anyway, thanks for the lovely comment Geraldine! :)

  4. I think it's great that you're being truthful with us, and don't you worry <3 I know I am here because I am interested in what you have to say, and your blog posts are definitely good quality! And I am sure there are other bloggers out there like you - that don't fit the types of bloggers you gave.

    1. Thanks very much :) glad to know someone finds my ramblings interesting! ;)

  5. I can relate to so many of these, especially the socially awkward one hahaha! But just remember to blog for yourself and not for other people! That's really the only way to keep from worrying about what other people think :).

    1. sound advice if ever there was some! :) Thanks v much


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