The Suicide Squad trailer hit! (Stand by for minor fangirl moment: ohmygod!canyouseeitcanyouseetheawesomenesscanyouseeit?!?!?!OHMYGOD!!!NBFIURGHIWOR!!!! - ok, I think that's over.)
It looks pretty damn good. Jared Leto's joker man, Jared Leto's joker.
TV Trailers
Agent Carter is back, back, back! Loving the flamingo. Loving Peggy. Loving Jarvis. What's not to love?! (I will always love Peggy Carter. Always.)
Graphic Novels
My review of the graphic novel STARVE Vol 1 (UK - USA) (which I mentioned last week) was posted on Tuesday. You can read my review here.
Single Issues
I thought the artwork was pretty damn good, and the story seemed to have some potential. It did take a while to get into, and the story wasn't really in full swing by the end of the issue - so probably one to read as a series-starter, rather than anything else.
I reviewed Constantine (2005) on Monday - an uber-great film based on the Hellblazer graphic novels. You can read my review here.
Other Stuff
Die-hard Marvel fans learned a little more about the upcoming Civil War II this week - awesomeness!
Like This Post? Try These:
- Popcorn Review! - Constantine (2005)
- Review! (Graphic Novel Edition!) - Starve Vol 1 by Brian Wood
- Trailer Review! - Suicide Squad First Look
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