I Can Rise To Whatever Challenge I Set Myself
Honestly, I wasn't sure, when I decided to do this, if I could do this. But I did. 30 posts in 30 days. What does this prove? I can do whatever I want (goddammit!)

Blogging Is Awesome Sauce, and Challenges Should Be Fun
This challenge has truly been fun. And I have really enjoyed blogging as a result. Which is good news if you like to read my bookish ramblings, because it means that I'm going to keep blogging for a good while yet.
Scheduling Posts is Helpful
Turns out, organisation can be useful when blogging like a maniac - I know, who knew, right? Scheduling has been pretty invaluable when it comes to keeping the posts rolling out.
I hope, that with my new blogging organisation skills, I can keep posting at a fairly substantial pace even beyond this month. (Although I hope you don't blame me for not posting 7 days a week every week - a girl's gotta have a break every now and then.) So, there's more to come from your humble Reading Addict.
I Have Things Worth Saying
I have some stuff to say - stuff that I hope you'll agree is worth hearing. Above all, I have a passion for books, for reading, for spreading the word of the joys of all that sort of stuff. I hope that my enthusiasm shines through my posting (I know my coffee drinking definitely does.)
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