Monday, 11 May 2015

Acceptable cheating

Ok, I can't be the only one who thinks this - there is acceptable cheating when it comes to the Goodreads challenge!

This is opposed to unacceptable cheating - skipping, skim reading, and worse, not reading a book you claim to have read! (May the reading gods have mercy on your damned soul and your tattered honour! lol)

But there is acceptable cheating too: my rule is this - if Goodreads counts it as a book, then it's a book. Audiobooks? They count. Quick Reads count. Single poems count (though only if they're already listed on Goodreads.) And of course, graphic novels most definitely count.

So it is with the aid of acceptable cheating that I'm currently sitting at 31 books - I've also put my target up from 50 to 70.

Happy reading!

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