Sunday 21 July 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Write Through


Warning: this post discusses Depression

Title: Write Through

I have not had a good week, mental-health-wise.

I had some very bad Depression days, and was generally not very good, mentally.

The thing is that when my mental health is poor, I really struggle to write. 

Anything. Like, coherent sentences are a problem.

Let alone the *Writing* I really need (I explained the difference between writing and *Writing* here, if you're interested.)

So, when my mental health is poor, I don't write. And when I don't write, my mental health is poor.

...Are you seeing the problem here?

BUT - I managed to write this week, despite the Depression issues.

More than that, I managed to *Write* this week - not for very long, but lord knows I'll take anything.

And I'm proud of myself for that.

I'm proud that Depression can't take this from me.

Even if it means typing one sentence of my novel a day (which... is my current pace on my eternally-in-progress novel, not gonna lie.) 

It can't - it won't - take writing from me.

Don't get me wrong - I'm sure there will be times again in the future where Depression and Anxiety stop me from writing. 

And I'm not going to blame myself for that (...well, I'm going to try not to blame myself for that,) - I'm just going to rest, and try again later.

Because I'm not going to let it take this from me.

I have to write. 

So... here I am, I guess. Putting pen to paper and pixel to screen. And celebrating every single moment of it.

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  1. Sending you love, Cee! Hope you're feeling better :)


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